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What is Kuder-Richardson method?

What is Kuder-Richardson method?

In psychometrics, the Kuder–Richardson formulas, first published in 1937, are a measure of internal consistency reliability for measures with dichotomous choices. They were developed by Kuder and Richardson.

How is Kuder-Richardson calculated?

σ2 = variance of the total scores of all the people taking the test = VARP(R1) where R1 = array containing the total scores of all the people taking the test. Values range from 0 to 1. A high value indicates reliability, while too high a value (in excess of .

How do you do a KR-20 in SPSS?

The steps for conducting Kudar-Richardson 20 (KR-20)

  1. The data is entered in a within-subjects fashion.
  2. Click Analyze.
  3. Drag the cursor over the Scale drop-down menu.
  4. Click on Reliability Analysis.
  5. Click on the first dichotomous categorical item to highlight it.
  6. Click on the arrow to move the item into the Items: box.

How to use Kuder-Richardson reliability coefficients in SPSS?

Kuder-Richardson Reliability Coefficients (KR20) in SPSS? I am checking how to do a Kuder-Richardson Reliability Coefficients (KR20) in SPSS. I want to use the KR20 to learn about the internal consistency of items.

How to do a Kuder-Richardson reliability coefficient ( KR20 )?

I am checking how to do a Kuder-Richardson Reliability Coefficients (KR20) in SPSS. I want to use the KR20 to learn about the internal consistency of items. I use the KR20 instead of the Cronbach’s alpha because my items are noted on a binary scale.

What is the formula for Kuder and Richardson?

Determine the reliability of the questionnaire using Kuder and Richardson Formula 20. The values of p in row 18 are the percentage of students who answered that question correctly – e.g. the formula in cell B18 is =B16/COUNT (B4:B15).

What kind of regression does Kuder and Richardson use?

Bayesian Statistics Handling Missing Data Regression Linear Regression Multiple Regression Logistic Regression Multinomial Regression Ordinal Regression Poisson Regression Log-linear Regression