
Is DMT1 active transport?

Is DMT1 active transport?

Trace Element Absorption and Transport Other studies support a role for DMT1 in apical manganese uptake73,74 One study suggests intestinal manganese transport involves active transport,75 but other research suggests mechanisms including passive diffusion are involved.

What does DMT1 stand for?

divalent metal transporter 1

BBB blood-brain barrier
DMT1 divalent metal transporter 1
Fe2+ ferrous iron
Fe3+ ferric iron
IRE iron response element

Where is DMT1 located?

intestinal enterocytes
A divalent metal transporter, DMT1, located on the apical membrane of intestinal enterocytes is the major pathway for the absorption of dietary non-haem iron.

Is DMT1 a protein?

DMT1 is a member of the natural resistance associated macrophage protein (Nramp) family. This highly conserved protein family consists of a varied group of membrane-bound divalent cation transporters (Cellier et al., 1995). DMT1 transports divalent cations in exchange for one single proton (Gunshin et al., 1997).

What is the role of DMT1 in iron metabolism?

Many past and recent advances in the field of iron metabolism have relied upon the discovery of divalent metal transporter 1, DMT1 in 1997. DMT1 is the major iron transporter and contributes non-heme iron uptake in most types of cell.

What is the role of divalent metal transporter 1?

The divalent metal transporter 1 (DMT1) is a multimetal transporter with a primary role in iron transport. Although DMT1 has been described previously in the CNS, nothing was known about the role of this metal transporter in oligodendrocyte maturation and myelination.

Why is DMT1 not a 100% selective transporter?

DMT1 is not a 100% selective transporter as it also transports Zn 2+, Mn 2+, and Ca 2+ which can lead to toxicity problems. The reason for this is because it cannot distinguish the difference between the different metal ions due to low selectivity for iron ions.

Which is metal does DMT1 transport in the duodenum?

DMT1-Divalent Metal (Ion) Transporter 1 or SLC11A2/DCT1/Nramp2 – transports Fe2+ into the duodenum and out of the endosome during the transferrin cycle. DMTI also is important in non-transferrin bound iron uptake. It plays similar roles in Mn2+ trafficking. Voltage clamping showed that six other met …