
Did Robyn Anderson know?

Did Robyn Anderson know?

Robyn Anderson, speaking publicly for the first time since Harris and Klebold gunned down 12 students and one teacher before taking their own lives on April 20, said on ABC’s “Good Morning, America” she didn’t know why Harris and Klebold asked her to buy the weapons.

Who was Dylan’s prom date?

(According to the American Association of Suicidology, between two and five percent of suicides are murder-suicides.) Dylan Klebold with his prom date, Robyn Anderson.

What happened to Mark Manes?

A Colorado judge today sentenced Mark Manes, 22, to six years in prison for illegally selling a handgun to Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold that the two teenagers used in last April’s massacre at Columbine High School.

Did Eric Harris have siblings?

Kevin Harris
Eric Harris/Siblings

Where did Robyn Anderson go to high school?

She was born somewhere in Colorado in 1981. She lived in Denver and moved to Littleton, Colorado in 1995. She attended Ken Caryl Middle School for a year before going to Columbine High. Robyn Anderson was a close friend to Dylan and partially knew Eric.

Who was Robyn Anderson’s date at Columbine High School?

On April 17, 1999, Anderson went to the Columbine senior prom with Dylan Klebold as her date. She said that boasted to friends she really wanted to bring him to the prom despite Dylan initially refusing to go. Nothing seemed wrong with Dylan that day, according to her. Columbine High School Massacre

When did Dylan Klebold and Robyn Anderson go to prom?

Once the guns were purchased, Eric and Dylan would saw the barrels of their shotguns for easy concealability. On April 17, 1999, Anderson went to the Columbine senior prom with Dylan Klebold as her date. She said that boasted to friends she really wanted to bring him to the prom despite Dylan initially refusing to go.