
What is fetched property in Core Data?

What is fetched property in Core Data?

Fetched Properties in Core Data are properties that return an array value from a predicate. A fetched property predicate is a Core Data query that evaluates to an array of results.

What is scalar type Core Data?

Scalar Types Core Data has support for many common data types like integers, floats, booleans, and so on. However, by default, the data model editor generates these attributes as NSNumber properties in the managed object subclasses.

What does a fetched property of a department represent?

Fetched properties represent weak, one-way relationships. In the employees and departments domain, a fetched property of a department might be “recent hires” (employees do not have an inverse to the recent hires relationship). The Type pop-up menu defines whether the relationship is a to-one type relationship or a to-many type relationship.

How to define a relationship in core data?

To define a relationship, select it in the Core Data model editor, and specify values in the Relationship pane of the Data Model inspector; Relationship in the Data Model inspector . Core Data supports to-one and to-many relationships, and fetched properties. Fetched properties represent weak, one-way relationships.

How does entity inheritance work in core data?

By marking an entity as abstract in the Entity pane of the Data Model inspector, you are informing Core Data that it will never be instantiated directly. Entity inheritance works in a similar way to class inheritance; and is useful for the same reasons.

How are managed objects related to core data?

Put another way, there is a to-one relationship between a managed object and the data record it represents, but a to-many relationship between the record and corresponding managed objects. Core Data does not let you create relationships that cross stores.