
Who is the main character in the Other Side of Dark?

Who is the main character in the Other Side of Dark?

Stacy McAdams is the main character and the narrator of “The Other Side of Dark”. She is a seventeen-year-girl who wakes from a four year coma after she was shot. Waking from a long dream, Stacy believes she is in the wrong body until she learns she has been in a coma for four years.

Who was the killer in the Other Side of Dark?

Mystery Solved An incident at a party triggers Stacy’s memory, helping her to realize that Jarrod is her mother’s killer.

What is the theme of the other side of dark?

“The Other Side of Dark” is an intriguing, suspenseful novel that deals with issues of growing up at once and who can be trusted. The story is set in a narrative filled with murder and mystery. Waking from a long dream, Stacy believes she is in the wrong body until she learns she has been in a coma for four years.

Who wrote the other side of dark?

Joan Lowery Nixon
The Other Side of Dark/Authors

Who are the main characters in Darkseid the movie?

Highfather and his followers were now a group of homeless people. Metron used a wheelchair, the Black Racer was an old white man in a wheelchair, DeSaad was an evil psychiatrist, Granny Goodness was a pimp (or “madam”) for the Female Furies and Darkseid himself was now an evil gang leader who is referred to only as “Boss Dark Side”.

Who are the main characters in the dark?

“Dark” spans multiple decades and follows time-traveling characters who age throughout the show. We’ve gathered a list of the main characters, along with photos of them as children, adults, and in old-age, to help people track them throughout all three seasons.

Who is the mother of Ulrich in dark?

Jana in 1953, 1986, and 2019. Jana (her maiden name is unknown) is Ulrich’s mother. We first saw her as an old woman living in 2019, but also got flashbacks to her life in 1986 when she was grieving her other son, Mads, after he vanished. She was also friends with young Ines Kahnwald in 1953. Tronte in 1953, 1986, and 2019.

What was Hannah’s maiden name in the show dark?

Hannah in 1986 and in 2019. Hannah’s maiden name is Krüger. She’s first introduced in “Dark” as Jonas’ mother, living and working in Winden in 2019. But in flashbacks to 1986, we see more of the younger Hannah. Mikkel in 2019 and 2019.