
What does being resigned mean?

What does being resigned mean?

: to accept a bad situation that cannot be changed I’m resigned to having to work this weekend.

Was resign or resigned?

To resign is to quit or retire from a position. You can also resign yourself to something inevitable, like death — meaning you just accept that it’s going to happen. When people resign, they’re leaving something, like a job or political office. Being resigned is another sense of this word — it’s a type of acceptance.

What is a synonym for resigned?

resignation(n.) Synonyms: surrender, relinquishment, cession, abandonment, renunciation, abdication. resignation(n.) Synonyms: endurance (with a submissive, religious spirit), submission, acquiescence, abasement, compliance, patience, sufferance, forbearance, fortitude, long-sufferance, long-suffering.

What does resignedly mean?

resignedly – with resignation and acceptance; in a resigned manner; “resignedly, I telegraphed back that it was all right with me if he insisted”. 2. resignedly – in a hopeless resigned manner; “she shrugged her shoulders abjectly”. abjectly.

What does resign vs re-sign mean?

Resign appears in the English language in the late fourteenth century with the meaning give up, surrender, abandon, submit, relinquish, coming from the Latin resignare, which means to check off, annul, cancel, give back, give up. Re-sign is transitive verb which means to sign again. Re-sign may mean the physical signing of a document or the re-engagement of someone under contract with the expectation that another contract will be physically signed.

What does the word resignation mean?

A resignation is the formal act of giving up or quitting one’s office or position. A resignation can occur when a person holding a position gained by election or appointment steps down, but leaving a position upon the expiration of a term is not considered resignation.