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How do I fix subscript out of range error in VBA?

How do I fix subscript out of range error in VBA?

How to Fix ‘Subscript Out of Range’ Error in Visual Basic for…

  1. Subscript out of range error.
  2. Array in VBA Excel.
  3. Using Dim and ReDim to specify the number of elements.
  4. Using “For Each…Next” construct.
  5. Using a Valid Keyname.

What does subscript out of range mean VBA?

Subscript out of range is an error we encounter in VBA when we try to reference something or a variable which does not exist in a code, for example, let us suppose we do not have a variable named x but we use msgbox function on x we will encounter subscript out of range error. This is an error type in VBA coding.

What does it mean when VBA says subscript out of range?

The subscript out of range is one of the most common errors that VBA coders will see. It’s never fun to see any of your code break. Fortunately, the fix for this is usually painless. tl;dr – The subscript out of range error usually means VBA cant find the Excel object that you’re trying to reference.

What does out of range mean in VBA?

tl;dr – The subscript out of range error usually means VBA cant find the Excel object that you’re trying to reference. Correct the reference name and your code should work. Often times the VBA Subscript Out of Range error will be one of the first errors that you encounter. This can happen with either recorded macros or self written VBA.

What causes subscript to be out of range?

This error has the following causes and solutions: You referenced a nonexistent array element. The subscript may be larger or smaller than the range of possible subscripts, or the array may not have dimensions assigned at this point in the application.

How to unload Excel-VBA error number 9 subscript?

Private Sub Okbtn_Click () sheetname = Me.ComboBox1.Value If sheetname = “” Then Unload Me MsgBox “Sheet Name not enetered”, vbExclamation, “Hey!” Exit Sub End If On Error GoTo errmsg ThisWorkbook.Sheets (sheetname).Activate ‘Error points here!!