
What color tube is used for CBC?

What color tube is used for CBC?

Lavender top tube
Lavender top tube – EDTA EDTA is the anticoagulant used for most hematology procedures. Its primary use is for the CBC and individual components of the CBC.

What color of the Vacutainer tube should you use if it is for complete blood count?

Red-top tube, glass This tube is a plain glass Vacutainer® containing no clot activators, anticoagulants, preservatives or separator material. These tubes can be used for Blood Bank tests.

What is the Vacutainer blood collection system?

A Vacutainer blood collection tube is a sterile glass or plastic test tube with a colored rubber stopper creating a vacuum seal inside of the tube, facilitating the drawing of a predetermined volume of liquid. Vacutainer tubes were invented by Joseph Kleiner and Becton Dickinson in 1949.

What tube is used for blood draw?

The recommended order is as follows:

  • Blood culture tubes.
  • Sodium citrate tubes (e.g., blue-stopper)
  • Serum tubes with or without clot activator, with or without gel separator (e.g., red-, gold-, speckled-stopper)
  • Heparin tubes with or without gel (e.g., green-stopper)
  • EDTA tubes (e.g., lavender-stopper)

Who is the manufacturer of the Vacutainer blood collection tube?

These tubes are the registered trademark of Becton, Dickinson & Co. and today vacutainer tubes are manufactured and sold by them. A Vacutainer blood collection tube is a sterile glass or plastic tube with a closure that is evacuated to create a vacuum inside the tube facilitating the draw of a predetermined volume of liquid.

What kind of blood test is Vacutainer used for?

It is it specifically used for whole blood samples intended for transfusion labs. It is also used similar to the lavender tube, which means it contains the same additive. For tests of group and save (G&S), crossmatch (XM), and direct Coomb’s test (aka direct antiglobulin test), this tube is used.

What are the uses of A Vacutainer tube?

Vacutainer tubes Gold (SST-Serum SeparaTor) Tube description: Clot activator tube, with gel barrier. Equivalent to conventional tiger top (red/black) with conventional stopper. Primary uses include serum determinations in chemistry and immunology.

Why are BD Vacutainer blood collection tubes safe?

BD Vacutainer plastic tubes BD Vacutainer plastic tubes offer a safe method of blood collection and reduce the potential for tube breakage and specimen spillage, thereby reducing the potential for exposure to bloodborne pathogens.