Is a person born on February 19th a Pisces or an Aquarius?
Is a person born on February 19th a Pisces or an Aquarius?
Below, Weiss (who is available for 2020 readings), explains what happens when free-minded, genius-leaning Aquarius signs (January 20 to February 18) mix traits with mix traits with the psychic empath Pisces (February 19 to March 20). This month, our focus is on those born on the Aquarius Pisces Cusp.
Where is the Aquarius Pisces cusp?
The Aquarius – Pisces cusp falls between the 15th and 21st of February. People born between these dates do share traits with both of these two zodiac signs. There are the open-minded and eccentric traits of Aquarians, coupled with the sensitivity and other-worldly nature of Pisces.
Is Pisces good with Aquarius?
Pisces and Aquarius are compatible in the bedroom, but they’re going to have trouble in other areas of the relationship. Pisces don’t want to get too attached to an Aquarius because Aquarius will flee when they feel suffocated. They need plenty of space and time to themselves.
What are the characteristics of an Aquarius-Pisces cusp?
Characteristics of an Aquarius-Pisces Cusp. While normally we see that one zodiac sign is ruled by one planet only, in this case, both Aquarius and Pisces are ruled by two planets each. The ones that rule Aquarius are Uranus and Saturn, while Pisces is ruled by the planets Jupiter and Neptune.
Who are people born on the cusp of Pisces?
People of Aquarius Pisces cusp are born between February 15 to 21 on the cusp of sensitivity. They are peace-loving people who are spiritual, creative, idealistic and empathetic. So, here’s what you should know about their personality traits. Aquarius Pisces cusp people are born between February 15 and 21 on the cusp of sensitivity.
What kind of person is born on Aquarius Pisces?
Spiritual, artistic, peace-loving, and friendly, those born on the Aquarius-Pisces cusp are highly original people. This is the cusp most likely to be labeled “offbeat” or “eccentric”. You are highly intellectual, however, probably not so good with practical details and follow-through.
When is your birthday considered to be a cusp in Aquarius?
The accepted dates for the Aquarius Pisces cusp are February 15 and February 21. If your birthday falls outside of these two days you are not considered to be born on the cusp. Is Feb 21 a cusp? If your birthday falls between February 15 and February 21 then this is considered to be the Aquarius Pisces cusp.