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What elements are in group VB?

What elements are in group VB?

Group V consists of two subgroups: group Vb, the main group, and group Va. Group Va consists of vanadium, niobium, and tantalum, which are generally considered with the transition elements. The main group consists of nitrogen, phosphorus, arsenic, antimony, and bismuth.

What are group 6 elements called?

Group 6A — The Chalcogens. Group 6A (or VIA) of the periodic table are the chalcogens: the nonmetals oxygen (O), sulfur (S), and selenium (Se), the metalloid tellurium (Te), and the metal polonium (Po). The name “chalcogen” means “ore former,” derived from the Greek words chalcos (“ore”) and -gen (“formation”).

Is Vanadium a metal or nonmetal?

Vanadium is a hard, silver-grey metallic element. It is a ductile transition metal with a natural resistance to corrosion and stability against alkalis, acids and salt water. Vanadium is found in over 60 different minerals including vanadinite, carnotite, roscoelite and patronite.

What are declared element names in Visual Basic?

Declared Element Names (Visual Basic) Every declared element has a name, also called an identifier, which is what the code uses to refer to it.

What are the elements of an array in VB.NET?

The array now has three elements, 12, 23 and 35. Using a for loop to create a variable x to help us iterate from the first to the last elements of the array nums. Note that the array now has three elements, 12, 23 and 35. Printing some text and the elements of the array on the console.

How to add elements to list in VB.NET?

Use the List type: add, remove and get elements from Lists. Understand dynamic sizing of Lists. List. This collection is a resizable array. It stores a variable number of elements in an expandable collection. Unlike an array, it changes its size as needed, on its own. Type. The List type offers many useful methods. We add elements.

Why are element names insensitive in Visual Basic?

Element names in Visual Basic are case-insensitive. This means that when the compiler compares two names that differ in alphabetic case only, it interprets them as the same name.