Users' questions

Which rice seed is best?

Which rice seed is best?

Ayurveda considered red rice (rakta shali) the best among the other rice varieties, due to desirable property as they had the power to redress the imbalance in the tridosha or humours whose imbalance in the body causes various types of diseases.

What are the rice varieties in Pakistan?

Three types of rice varieties are being cultivated in Pakistan i.e. Basmati types – Indica (aromatic), medium long grain – Indica (IRRI type) and bold grain – japonica (cold tolerant varieties in zone – I).

Which rice brand is best in Pakistan?


  • Rs. 430.00.
  • Rs. 225.00.
  • Rs. 1,225.00. Falak Extreme Basmati Rice, Longest Rice, 5 KG.
  • Rs. 255.00. Falak Extreme Basmati Rice, Longest Rice, 1 KG.
  • Rs. 95.00. Naheed Rice Mota Special 1 KG.
  • Rs. 438.00. Naheed Rice Saila Special 2.5 KG.
  • Rs. 175.00. Naheed Rice Saila Special 1 KG.
  • Rs. 65.00. Naheed Rice Atta Special 500gm.

What is hybrid rice variety?

Hybrid rice is a type of Asian rice that has been crossbred from two very different parent varieties. As with other types of hybrids, hybrid rice typically displays heterosis or “hybrid vigor”, so when grown under the same conditions as comparable purebred rice varieties, it can produce up to 30% more yield.

Which is the best rice to grow in Pakistan?

Ahmed and Akram (2007) have made a considerable effort to consolidate all the rice varieties grown in Pakistan. The rice varieties are as follows: Basmati Rice (fine long grain and aromatic) is popular in Punjab for cultivation. Punjab’s climate and soil work to the advantage of the production of Basmati rice varieties.

Which is the most common type of rice in Punjab?

The rice varieties are as follows: Basmati Rice (fine long grain and aromatic) is popular in Punjab for cultivation. Punjab’s climate and soil work to the advantage of the production of Basmati rice varieties.

Which is the second most important food in Pakistan?

In Pakistan, rice is the second most important food as well as a cash crop, which occupies 11% of the country s’ cropped area. Pakistan is the fifth largest rice exporting country in the world.

Which is the fifth largest rice exporter in the world?

Pakistan is the fifth largest rice exporting country in the world. It has been generally observed that rice growers who adopt latest plant protection measures and follow other recommended practices; get much higher yield per hectare than those who do not adopt latest rice