What time is high tide at Punakaiki?
What time is high tide at Punakaiki?
Next high tide in Punakaiki is at 1:10 PM, which is in 7 hr 07 min 14 s from now.
What time is high tide at Greymouth?
TIDES (PDT) | ||
Low | 5:45 AM | 1.02m |
High | 11:57 AM | 2.23m |
Low | 6:13 PM | 1.02m |
High | 12:32 AM | 2.32m |
What time is high tide today in jaywick?
7 day tide forecast for Jaywick 2021
Tue | Wed | Mon |
High 06:20am (3.24m) Low 12:26pm (1.59m) High 06:46pm (3.26m) | Low 01:04am (1.63m) High 07:21am (3.01m) Low 01:34pm (1.68m) High 08:05pm (3.07m) | High 12:11am (4.12m) Low 06:21am (1.12m) High 12:22pm (4.23m) Low 06:39pm (0.58m) |
What are the Auckland tides today?
TIDES (PDT) | ||
High | 5:47 AM | 3.20m |
Low | 11:53 AM | 0.60m |
High | 6:21 PM | 3.10m |
Low | 12:21 AM | 0.80m |
When is the next high tide in Punakaiki?
Water Temp. Next high tide in Punakaiki is at 7:22 PM, which is in 3 hr 05 min 20 s from now. Next low tide in Punakaiki is at 1:31 AM, which is in 9 hr 14 min 20 s from now. The local time in Punakaiki is 4:16:40 PM. See the detailed Punakaiki tide chart below.
Which is the best tide station in New Zealand?
*These tide schedules are estimates based on the most relevant accurate location ( Greymouth, New Zealand ), this is not necessarily the closest tide station and may differ significantly depending on distance. Please note, the low and high tide times given are not suitable for navigational purposes.
How long are the tides in New Zealand?
Use this utility to forecast high and low tides anywhere in coastal and ocean waters around New Zealand’s EEZ for up to 28 days 1 month. It also predicts historical tides back to 1830.
Where is Punakaiki in the South Island of New Zealand?
Punakaiki is a small community on the West Coast of the South Island of New Zealand, between Westport and Greymouth.