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How do you edit artist information on iTunes?

How do you edit artist information on iTunes?

Change the name of the song, artist, or album

  1. In the iTunes app on your PC, choose Music from the pop-up menu at the top left, then click Library.
  2. Select Songs from the sidebar on the left.
  3. Select the item, then choose Edit > Song Info.
  4. Type the new information, then press Enter.

Can you change album art Apple music?

If found, iTunes downloads the art and displays it as you browse your music collection. Occasionally, iTunes may download the wrong cover art. Some albums also have several different covers, and iTunes doesn’t always download the one you want. You can replace album art with any image on your computer.

What percentage of iTunes sales go to the artist?

94 cents – less than a 10% cut. The record company might take $5.35 and Apple would keep the remaining $3.70. On average, artists receive approximately $. 09 for each individual song downloaded on iTunes.

Is it possible to change album art on iTunes?

In short, no. It is not possible to do this on an iPhone, with the built in Music app at least. iTunes on the computer is your best bet without getting too complicated. Thanks!

How do you change the name of an album on iTunes?

Scroll to the album, right-click on it, then click Album Info (iTunes) or Get Info (Music app) In the Details section, click in the field for Album Artist and change the artist name to the same name you previously used to create the new folder. You can change the artists of a compilation album to one name.

How does iTunes help you organize your music?

iTunes allows you to organize your music collection by artist, album or genre. When you purchase music from iTunes Store, the songs or albums will come with album cover art. As you add some new songs or albums to your library by other means or just rip the music from CDs, the artwork may be missing.

How do you add an album to iTunes?

In iTunes, go to File > Add Folder to Library. If you’re using the Music app, go to File > Import. Find the folder and click Select Folder to add the album into iTunes or the Music app. You may notice that the songs are still appearing in the Compilations section with Various Artists as the artist name.