Can B-doubles go over the Blue Mountains?
Can B-doubles go over the Blue Mountains?
B-Double Campaign Community action against larger trucks crossing the Blue Mountains has been boosted by a recent NSW Government decision to permit 19-metre B-doubles to operate over the Blue Mountains.
Are B-doubles allowed in Macquarie Pass?
Macquarie Pass is a restricted road, that B-Doubles are banned from entering.
What is AB double route?
A B-double is a combination of a prime mover towing two semi-trailers all connected by B-couplings.
What is B-double access?
Gazette notices – B-double access Provides dimension exemptions from the Heavy Vehicle (Mass, Dimension and Loading) National Regulation and conditional height limits for vehicles operating on specified networks that meet the other requirements of the notice.
Where can I get a B double in Australia?
The National Class 2 B-double Operator’s Guide (the Operator’s Guide) outlines the requirements for operating a B-double in the Australian Capital Territory, New South Wales, Queensland, South Australia, Tasmania and Victoria.
How big of a route can A B double use?
A route that is approved for a B–double can be used by a B–double with the same or shorter overall length (e.g. a 19 metre B–double can operate on 23 metre and 25 metre approved routes; a 23 metre B–double can operate on a 25 metre approved route).
What do you need to know about class 2 b doubles?
Access to the road network The National Class 2 B-double Authorisation (Notice) 2019 authorises the use of class 2 B-doubles to have access to the road network. B-doubles have two types of access, either general access or restricted accessunder the Notice. This guide outlines the B-double requirements for each type of access.
How big can A B double be in Tasmania?
B-doubles operating in Tasmania have a general access length limit of 21 metres. The general access length limit is increased by 0.3 metres to 21.3 metres if the rear trailer of the B-double has a rear load restraining guard that complies with the Forestry Safety Code (Tasmania) 2007.