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What are synonyms of Feign?

What are synonyms of Feign?

synonyms for feign

  • assume.
  • bluff.
  • dissimulate.
  • fabricate.
  • fake.
  • invent.
  • play.
  • stonewall.

What does it mean if someone is a feign?

1a : to give a false appearance of : induce as a false impression feign death. b : to assert as if true : pretend He feigned that he was not feeling well so that he could leave the party early. 2 archaic. a : invent, imagine.

What does feign love mean?

If someone feigns a particular feeling, attitude, or physical condition, they try to make other people think that they have it or are experiencing it, although this is not true.

What is a word for not showing affection?

Definitions of unaffectionate. adjective. lacking affection or warm feeling. synonyms: detached, uncaring unloving. not giving or reciprocating affection.

When can affect be used instead of feign?

Some common synonyms of feign are affect, assume, counterfeit, pretend, sham, and simulate. While all these words mean “to put on a false or deceptive appearance,” feign implies more artful invention than pretend, less specific mimicry than simulate. When can affect be used instead of feign?

Which is the best antonym for the word affection?

Antonyms for affection. abomination, hate, hatred, loathing, rancor. 2 an abnormal state that disrupts a plant’s or animal’s normal bodily functioning. born with a heart affection that later caused him problems.

Are there any synonyms for the word feign?

Synonyms of feign. to present a false appearance of. I would never feign illness just to get out of a test. Synonyms for feign. act, affect, assume, bluff, counterfeit,

What’s the meaning of the phrase’feign ignorance’?

It was no longer possible for the world to sit passively by and feign ignorance. It is said that one could have feigned illness. Instead they skip school or feign illness. He would feign illness and his gran would indulge him. The one who had been sitting on the doorstep feigning indifference while glancing sideways at us.