Useful tips

How do I change the lookup path in eclipse?

How do I change the lookup path in eclipse?

Attaching source files when debugging with Eclipse

  1. Click Edit Source Lookup Path… from Source not found to open the Edit Source Lookup Path dialog. ​ Source not found.
  2. Click Add button from the Edit Source Lookup Path dialog. ​
  3. Select Java Project as the source. ​
  4. Select projects. ​
  5. Confirm configuration. ​

What is edit source lookup path in eclipse?

Edit Source Lookup Select the Edit Source Lookup… command [ Edit Source Lookup ] to open the Source Path Dialog, which allows you to make changes to the source lookup path of the selected debug target. IMPORTANT Restart Eclipse after this last step.

How do I trace a program in eclipse?

A Java program can be debugged simply by right clicking on the Java editor class file from Package explorer. Select Debug As → Java Application or use the shortcut Alt + Shift + D, J instead. Either actions mentioned above creates a new Debug Launch Configuration and uses it to start the Java application.

Why does eclipse not remember source lookup path?

For some reason Eclipse doesn’t remember source lookup path for some java projects, and every time during debugging (after redeploying) I need to press “Edit source lookup path” button and add current project to the list. Does anyone know how to make it remember selected source location?

How to fix missing source in Eclipse IDE?

Just 3 steps to configuration Eclipse IDE: Note: After updating the Source Lookup paths, you’ll have to stop and restart your debug session. Otherwise, the file with the missing source will continue to show “missing source”.

Where do I find the source code in Eclipse?

“When running in debug mode, right click on the running thread (in threads tab) and select Edit Source Lookup. At this point, you should be able to add the necessary project/jar which contains your source code.”

Where do I find Java build path in Eclipse?

On the left hand side tree select Java Build Path. A common requirement seen while developing java applications is to add existing jars to the java build path. This can be accomplished using the Libraries tab.