
Can sleep apnea cause stiff neck?

Can sleep apnea cause stiff neck?

Sleep apnea can cause headache and neck pain. The mechanism of the headache is complex, but probably involves decreased oxygen in the blood that occurs during apneas, and the resultant dilation of small blood vessels in the brain to deliver more oxygen.

How do you get rid of neck stiffness while sleeping?

Take care when you sleep

  1. Apply heat or ice to the painful area.
  2. Take over-the-counter pain relievers such as ibuprofen or acetaminophen.
  3. Keep moving, but avoid jerking or painful activities.
  4. Do slow range-of-motion exercises, up and down, side to side, and from ear to ear.

Can you get rid of a stiff neck fast?

Apply heat or ice Apply ice for 20 minutes a few times a day to help relieve neck inflammation. You can also alternate between applying ice and heat. Taking a warm bath or shower or using a heating pad may also help.

What’s the best way to sleep with a stiff neck?

If possible, it is recommended to sleep on the back to put the least amount of stress on the cervical spine. Another option is to sleep on the side. For some people, sleeping in a reclined position, whether it is in a reclining mattress or chair, offers more comfort for the neck.

How does your neck affect your sleep apnea?

Altered craniovertebral angles, as seen in the upper cervical spine, can reduce the retropharyngeal space, increasing the risk for compromise of the upper airway, especially during flexion of the neck, causing symptoms of apnea during sleep.

Can a cervical collar help with obstructive sleep apnea?

This study evaluates treatment effect of Cervical Collar (CC) in moderate obstructive sleep apnea.The investigators believe that stabilization of the neck by using a CC during sleep helps sustain airway patency. This would mean preventing collapse of airways during sleep. The study is a randomized, open, parallel-group intervention study.

Can a neck brace help with sleep apnea?

I’ve had a handful of patients that have reported similar results using soft and hard neck braces. You’re right in that it does keep your airway open. This is also the principle behind how the contour pillow works—by keeping your head extended somewhat, you’re less likely to obstruct, especially when you’re in deep sleep (when your muscles relax).