Was Abraham Flexner a social worker?
Was Abraham Flexner a social worker?
Abraham Flexner (1866–1959) was a teacher and educational reformer. He challenged the professional status of the field of social work, concluding that it did not qualify as a profession as it lacked individual responsibility and educationally communicable techniques.
Why did Abraham Flexner say social work is not a profession?
Primarily, Flexner saw social work as not meeting the professionalization mark because what social workers of the day did could also be done by “amateurs,” or non-trained persons who could do the job equally as well as the trained social worker.
When did social work become a profession?
19th century
As a profession, social work officially originated in the 19th century as a movement primarily experienced within the United States and United Kingdom.
What was the significance of Abraham Flexner’s report on the status of social work as a profession?
Flexner compared social workers of the day against the “benchmark” professionals of medicine, law, and preaching, and found that those who provided social work services had not yet achieved true professional status.
When did Abraham Flexner write is social work a profession?
Source: Abraham Flexner, “Is Social Work a Profession?” (paper presented at the National Conference on Charities and Correction, 1915), 581, 584-588, 590.
Who was Abraham Flexner and what did he do?
1915 Abraham Flexner, a well-known champion of reform in medical education, was also a keen observer of the social work profession.
What was the title of Flexner’s 1915 speech?
In 1915, Flexner addressed the National Conference of Charities and Corrections. The title of his speech was “ Is Social Work a Profession? ” He answered that it was not.
What did Flexner think of nurses and pharmacists?
In deference to social workers, Flexner also viewed nurses and pharmacists the same way.