Is the Doug Nash 4 3 reliable?
Is the Doug Nash 4 3 reliable?
The Doug Nash 4+3 (1984-88 Corvettes) is a GOOD transmission that has been unjustly criticized from day one. The 4+3 is essentially the venerable Super T10 4 speed, with an automatic overdrive (OD) that engages in second, third, and fourth gears. The “problems” come with adding the OD to the T10.
Is it better to repair or replace a transmission?
Generally, if a repair estimate costs more than a rebuild, then the rebuild is the service to go with. If the cost of a replacement transmission costs less than a repair or rebuild, then the replacement is the best alternative. Most importantly, you should only use the services of transmission professionals.
What is a 4 3 Corvette transmission?
From Wikipedia: “From 1984 through 1988, the Corvette was available with a Doug Nash “4+3″ transmission – a 4-speed manual coupled to an automatic overdrive on the top three gears. This unusual transmission was a synergy that allowed Corvette to keep a stout 4 speed, but add an overdrive.”
Where can I buy a GM transmission replacement?
Replacing a failed transmission can be very costly, which is why it’s so important to find the best price you can for a replacement online. We’ve listed some of the most common GM transmission part numbers below, making it easy to look up our pricing and place your order.
Where is the gear switch on a 4 + 3 transmission?
Actually Chris Petris, who used to build transmissions for the Corvette Challenge racing series, helped me with this. There’s a switch on the side of the transmission that tells the computer which gear is engaged. This 2 nd gear switch is one of the first things to go bad on the 4+3 .
Where can I buy transmission parts for free?
Replacing a failed transmission can be very costly, which is why it’s so important to find the best price you can for a replacement online. We’ve listed some of the most common GM transmission part numbers below, making it easy to look up our pricing and place your order. Free Shipping On Powertrain Parts!
What are the different types of transmission replacement?
However, there are two different types of transmission replacement: Rebuilt and Remanufactured. Rebuilt Transmission—Also called overhauling or reconditioning, this process involves inspecting and replacing only the parts that have failed. This work can be done in a local shop.