
What is code name clearance?

What is code name clearance?

The term “code word clearance” is sometimes used by the general public and is often described as an “above Top Secret Clearance”. Classified information spans Collateral, Sensitive Compartmented Information (SCI), and Special Access Program (SAP) information.

What is SI TK clearance?

SI = Special / Secret Intelligence TK is a codeword classification, standing for Talent Keyhole, meaning IMINT. TS/SI/TK is often used as a blanket “entry level clearance” for conferences, etc., as it is one of the most carefully controlled and restricted.

Is there such a thing as a code word clearance?

The term “code word clearance” is sometimes used by the general public and is often described as an “above Top Secret Clearance”. While the term might be a part of the public’s security clearance slang, it is not part of the cleared community’s vocabulary. Those in the security community can best answer this question…

When to use secret or confidential clearance codes?

SECRET – Will be applied to information in which the unauthorized disclosure could reasonably be expected to cause serious damage to the national security. CONFIDENTIAL – Will be applied to information in which the unauthorized disclosure could reasonably be expected to cause damage to the national security.

What does it mean to have top secret security clearance?

Each level of classification indicates an increasing degree of sensitivity. Thus, if one holds a Top Secret security clearance, one is allowed to handle information up to the level of Top Secret, including Secret and Confidential information.

Can a person with a top secret clearance access compartment X?

Someone cleared at the SECRET level for some compartment X cannot see material in compartment X that is classified TOP SECRET. But the reverse is not true: a person cleared for TOP SECRET with access to X material can also access SECRET material in compartment X.