
What are some good questions to ask about Australia?

What are some good questions to ask about Australia?

16 questions Americans ask Australian expats

  • Are you British?
  • Why did you move here?
  • How many snakes and spiders have you been bitten by?
  • Is your family here with you?
  • Are all Australians descendants of convicts?
  • What’s politics like in Australia?
  • Do you like the US better than Australia?

What do Americans say differently to Australia?

English Words Pronounced Differently in America (at least in North-eastern area)

Italian EYE-tal-yen IT-tal-yen
Australia Uzzz-STRAY-lee-er Oz-STRAY-LEE-a
New York City nu-YORK-SIT-ee NE-u YORK SIT-i

What American things can you not get in Australia?

30 Things You Can’t Find in Australia as an American Expat

  • Quality Mexican food.
  • Bagels!
  • Varieties of popcorn.
  • $1 menu at Macca’s.
  • Crunchy Flamin’ Hot Cheetos.
  • Light blue Gatorade (Glacier Freeze)
  • Trader Joe’s & Whole Foods Market.
  • Panda Express.

Why do Australians sound like they are asking a question?

The language trait is known as a high-rising terminal (HRT), commonly referred to as ‘Australian Question Intonation’ (AQI). It is the act of raising a voice at the end of a sentence that makes the statement sound like a question and is common in Australian and American accents.

How many questions are in the 21 Questions game?

The 21 Questions Game – 83 Fun and unexpected topics. The 21 Questions Game – 83 Fun and unexpected topics. New? Start here. The 21 questions game has been around forever.

What do people in Australia do for a living?

What are you even doing, Australia? 1. Why is your money so colorful? It’s currency, not a fashion contest. 2. Also, why is it made out of plastic? Haven’t you guys already done enough to the environment? 3. Did you really put kangaroos on your coins? 4. Wait, you eat them? So you put your food on your currency? 5.

What are the 21 questions to ask a girl?

Whether she’s a crush, Tinder date, friend, or co-worker, these 21 questions to ask a girl help you connect with the ladies in your life. When it comes to playing the 21 questions game, having the right questions to ask a girl really helps you to form those special moments and deep connections that make this game so exciting.

What’s the best question to ask a guy?

These 21 questions game to ask a guy are geared towards the dudes in your life. Some of them are personal, some are weird, and some are downright hilarious. Mix ’em up to keep it interesting.