
How much did the Change4Life campaign cost?

How much did the Change4Life campaign cost?

Government spent £5.2m last year on its Change4Life healthy eating campaign. The NHS spends an estimated £38 million a year on weight loss surgery – although surgery can be cost saving in the longer term.

Is Change4Life funded by the government?

The Change4Life Sports Clubs programme is funded by the Department of Health and managed by the Youth Sport Trust.

Did Change4Life reduce obesity?

Change4Life is England’s first ever national social marketing campaign to reduce obesity. This led to the creation of a three-year marketing strategy to drive, coax, encourage and support people through each stage of the behaviour change journey.

How successful is the Change4Life campaign?

� The first year of Change4Life was extremely successful. Over 400,000 families joined Change4Life in its first year and over 1 million mothers claimed to have made changes to their children’s behaviours as a direct result of the programme.

When did the change 4 Life campaign start?

(Department of Health, 2010) The Change4Life campaign started in January 2009 and started by targeting young families with children aged 5-11 years. Since then the movement has grown and is now targeting parents of 1-4 year olds (Early Years) and new parents with babies (Start4Life).

What was the cost of the Change4Life programme?

The cost of the programme is £1.4 billion, most of this will come over the next two years as more than 20,000 people from management and the staff from administration are being made redundant from the health authorities, primary care trusts and the Department of Health. (BBC, 2011)

How long has Phe’s Change4Life campaign been running?

It is 10 years since Public Health England launched Change4Life, England’s first healthy lifestyle brand, which famously invited families to “eat well, move more and live longer”. Please log in below to continue reading. Not registered?

Who is the target group for Change4Life?

1.1 Background Change4Life is the social marketing part of the Healthy Weight, Healthy Lives cross-governmental strategy for England. In its first year, Change4Life focused on those families with children aged 5–11, who were at greatest risk of becoming overweight or obese.