
What kind of rodents live in Utah?

What kind of rodents live in Utah?

Types of Utah Rodents

  • House Mice.
  • Norway Rats.
  • Deer Mice.
  • White-Footed Mice.
  • Harvest Mice.
  • Black Rats.
  • Wood Rats.

What are the 5 major rodents found in the Philippines?

However in the Philippines, the more commonly found rodent that are detrimental to humans are either the Black Rat or Brown Rat….Types of Rodents

  • Rats.
  • Mice.
  • Voles.
  • Squirrels.
  • Marmots.
  • Hamsters.
  • Guinea pigs.
  • Gophers.

What is the largest rodent in Africa?

Cape porcupine
The Cape porcupine is currently the largest living rodent species found in Africa. Not only that, but it is also the largest porcupine in the world. They are found in a wide range of habitats, from dry deserts to dense forests.

What kind of rodents are found in Africa?

Category:Rodents of Africa. A. Acacia rat. African giant squirrel. African grass rat. African ground squirrel. African marsh rat. African pygmy mouse. African pygmy squirrel. B. Baer’s wood mouse. Balochistan gerbil. Banana climbing mouse. Beaded wood mouse. Bellier’s striped grass mouse. Bocage’s

What kind of rodents live in the Sahara Desert?

Cane rats are found in Africa, south of the Sahara desert. They are considered a pest species and are one of the most dangerous rodents in the world for crops. They can range from 35 to 60 centimeters in length and can weigh up to 10 kilograms.

What kind of rodents are found in Central America?

The lowland paca is a large rodent that is found in Central America and South America. It is closely related to the agouti and has coarse fur. It has dark brown to black fur on the upper body and lighter, yellowish fur on the belly. It has three to 5 rows of white spots on the sides which are covered by dark grey fur.

Are there any trees or plants that are Afromontane?

The tree genera Afrocrania, Balthasaria, Curtisia, Ficalhoa, Hagenia, Kiggelaria, Leucosidea, Platypterocarpus, Trichocladus, Widdringtonia, and Xymalos are Afromontane endemics or near-endemics, as are the plant genera Ardisiandra, Cincinnobotrys, and Stapfiella .