Useful tips

Can you give away free jewelry with paparazzi?

Can you give away free jewelry with paparazzi?

Paparazzi Accessories are definitely allowed to be used as prizes in share giveaways! Paparazzi prefers and recommends that Consultants give away Accessories rather than non-Paparazzi.

What comes in the 499 paparazzi kit?

Let’s look at what comes in the Paparazzi Jewelry $499 Starter Kit:

  • 200 pieces of Jewelry and Accessories.
  • 5 Style Snapshots.
  • 5 Stylist Tip Cards.
  • Necklace Bust.
  • Ring Display.
  • Earring Display.
  • Bracelet Display.
  • 100 Pink Sales Bags.

How much do you have to sell to stay active with paparazzi?

How much do you have to sell to stay active with Paparazzi? To be considered an active Paparazzi Consultant, you need to order at least 50 PV (25 pieces) per month. Active status allows you to be listed in the Paparazzi directory and to earn bonuses and commissions on your down-line.

How often do paparazzi give you hostess rewards?

Paparazzi usually gives you 1 “hostess reward” for every 20 items you purchase (5%). Sometimes it shows up on your invoice and sometimes it doesn’t, but there should be a bag or two labeled “hostess rewards” in your box.

What do you get when you win paparazzi accessories?

As if that wasn’t enough to CELEBRATE, each of our winning Consultants (not their guest) will also receive an upgraded registration bag, packed with surprises you won’t find anywhere else! Talk about getting to CELEBRATE your way!

Who are the top consultants in the paparazzi?

  Throughout the month of June, we’ll track our top Consultants based on three categories: Personal Volume (PV),  New Enrollment Volume (NEV), and  Number of personally sponsored active Consultants 

When does personal volume ( PV ) end for paparazzi?

Personal Volume (PV) includes a Consultant’s personal orders as well as the purchases of their retail customers made through the replicated website from 12:00 AM ET on June 1, 2021 through 11:59 PM ET on June 30, 2021. A Consultant cannot order as a customer on their own account nor any other Consultant account.