Users' questions

How do I switch profiles on Kindle Paperwhite?

How do I switch profiles on Kindle Paperwhite?

From your home screen, select the Menu icon. Select Amazon Kids. Select the drop-down menu next to the child profile. You have options to change various aspects of your child’s profile, including age, educational level, and share books from your library.

Can you separate Kindle accounts?

Each person in your family can have a separate Amazon account. You can switch the Kindle from one account to another readily, at any time, either from the Kindle or from the Amazon page set up to manage your Kindle. Look for “Register” and “Deregister.”

How do I switch users on Kindle?

From the lock screen, you or anyone else with the tablet can tap the profile picture at the top-right corner of the screen and select a new user to switch users. You can also pull down the quick settings menu while signed in, tap the profile picture, and select a new user account.

Can you have multiple Amazon accounts on one Kindle?

November 14, 2014 10:42 AM EST Amazon is now letting Kindle owners access multiple accounts on a single device. On Friday, Amazon rolled out a software update that includes “Family Library,” a feature that will allow two adults and up to four children to share content on one Kindle.

Can you borrow books from a Kindle Paperwhite?

You can borrow Kindle books for your own Paperwhite and lend Kindle books to your friends, even if they don’t have a Kindle. The lending time is 14 days, during which the lender cannot read the book. To lend a book, log into on the desktop.

How do I Share my Kindle with another person?

On the Kindle, go to Menu > Settings > Household & Family Library > Add a New Person > Add Adult. Enter their email address and password for Amazon and authorize both accounts to share payment information. Now you can choose to share all books or choose which books you’d like to share.

Is there such a thing as a Kindle account?

To clarify firstly, there actually is no such thing as a “Kindle account”. When people refer to their “Kindle account” they actually mean their Amazon account. That is, the account their Kindle device or app is registered to. It could even be the same account they do their usual Amazon shopping on.