
Where are the Datacrons on Hutta?

Where are the Datacrons on Hutta?

The Datacron is located on an island in the very NE corner of the map. To get to the island you have to go across a pipe that starts at 497, -13. Watch how you jump at the L junction, you might miss and fall into water and have to start all over again.

What is a Datacron Swtor?

Datacrons. are powerful artifacts scattered around the game world that permanently increase your stats or give you special Matrix Shards used for building Relics. Datacrons emit a colorful glow that identify the type of bonus they give.

Where are all the hutta datacrons in Star Wars?

The Datacron is located on an island in the very NE corner of the map. To get to the island you have to go across a pipe that starts at 497, -13. Watch how you jump at the L junction, you might miss and fall into water and have to start all over again. You get the Codex Galactic History 02: Ancient Civilizations.

Where are all the datacron locations in SWTOR?

Datacron Locations Planet Type Coordinates Location Details Strength +4 X: 654, Y: 2050 Location Details Cunning +4 X: 515, Y:175 +10 All Stats ( Republic Video) ( Empire Video) Location Details Republic Fleet (Gav Daragon) Imperial Fleet (Ziost Shadow)

Where are the datacrons in the Old Republic?

Located west of the volcano on the beach. There are five datacron located on the Republic capital of Coruscant. As this is the Republic capital city, for now these Datacrons are only available to Republic players. Located in the Old Market district, it is right in the open at the location noted.

Where is the hutta in Star Wars The old?

It is located within an elite mob (non-instanced) heroic area called “Sewer Maintenance Tunnels”. The entrance to this area is at -15,226 and it is shown on the screenshots bellow. After you go through several groups of hard enemies you will have to get to an area that has an elite boss – a robot called B3-4T Disposal Droid.