
What is the GMT time zone in Darwin?

What is the GMT time zone in Darwin?

Australian Central Standard Time
Time Zone in Darwin, Northern Territory, Australia

Current: ACST — Australian Central Standard Time
Current Offset: UTC/GMT +9:30 hours
Difference: 13:30 hours ahead of New York

What is the time difference between NSW and NT?

Time difference: local times in direct comparison (+0.5h)

Darwin (Australia/Darwin) Sydney (Australia/Sydney)
9:00 am 9:30 am
10:00 am 10:30 am
11:00 am 11:30 am
12:00 pm 12:30 pm

What are the time zones in Darwin Australia?

Darwin Time Zones. There are three different time zones in Australia. Central Standard Time (ACST GMT + 9.30) in South Australia and Northern Territory, Western Standard Time (AWST GMT + 8:00) in Western Australia and Eastern Standard Time (AEST GMT + 10:00) in Queensland, New South Wales, Victoria and Tasmania.

How many time zones are there in Australia?

There are three different time zones in Australia. Central Standard Time (ACST GMT + 9.30) in South Australia and Northern Territory, Western Standard Time (AWST GMT + 8:00) in Western Australia and Eastern Standard Time (AEST GMT + 10:00) in Queensland, New South Wales, Victoria and Tasmania.

How to find time zones in Windows ss64?

Time Zones – Windows – SS64.com SS64 CMD How-to TZUTILTime Zones A full, sortable list of time zones. Index Country/Region Time Zone Offset Abbr. 175 Afghanistan Afghanistan Standard Time UTC+04:30 AFT 003 Alaska Alaskan Standard Time UTC-09:00 AKST 100 Albania: Tirana Central European Standard Time UTC+01:00 CET 100

When does Daylight Savings Time start in Australia?

SA Western Standard Time UTC-04:00 SAWST 050 Atlantic Time (Canada) Atlantic Standard Time UTC-04:00 AST 250 Australia: Adelaide Cen. Australia Standard Time UTC+09:30 ACST 245 Australia: Darwin (no daylight saving time) AUS Central Standard Time UTC+09:30 ACST 260 Australia: Brisbane, Coral Sea Islands (no daylight saving time)
