
What professions use PowerPoint?

What professions use PowerPoint?

50 Jobs That Use Powerpoint The Most

  • Administrative Assistant.
  • Executive Assistant.
  • Externship.
  • Sales Associate.
  • Customer Service Representative.
  • Office Manager.
  • Cashier.
  • Executive Administrative Assistant.

What are the professions in English?

List of professions

  • artist.
  • astronaut.
  • chef.
  • construction worker.
  • firefighter.
  • doctor.
  • police.
  • teacher.

How do I create a profession in PowerPoint?

10 PowerPoint hacks to make your presentations look more…

  1. Write before you design.
  2. Start with a title slide that piques interest.
  3. Stick to simple designs.
  4. Emphasize one point per slide.
  5. Use text sparingly.
  6. Select images for impact.
  7. Practice your verbal presentation.
  8. Run it by a colleague.

What are the jobs and occupations of PPT?

Ppt jobs and occupations 1. Jobs &Occupations 2. farmer 3. fireman 4. painter 5. tailor 6. electrician 7. hairdresser 8. postman 9. vet 10. gardener 11. secretary 12. sailor 13. fisherman 14. mechanic 15. Taxi driver 16. photographer 17. Astronaut 18. teacher 19. pilot 20. waitress 21.

What are the different professions and jobs people get into?

People do all kinds of jobs to help us every day and their families.The earnings from jobs and professions are used to pay hospital bills,school tuition, put food on the table,keep the family healthy and happy. What are the different professions and jobs people get into?

What do kids learn from PowerPoint on jobs?

Kids will also learn about the nature of their jobs and what they use as tools to do their jobs.The vocabulary powerpoints on professions and jobs are interacting and fun to give kids a complete knowledge on the issue of job and profession,while they master spellings and vocabulary at the same time.

What are some professions that use English vocabulary?

English Vocabulary. Below we have a list of different Professions and an explanation of what each person does in that profession. Accountant – a person that works with the money and accounts of a company. Actor /Actress – a person that acts in a play or a movie. Architect – a person that designs building and houses.