What is the idiomatic expression cross that bridge when we get there?
What is the idiomatic expression cross that bridge when we get there?
: to not worry about a possible problem until it actually happens I don’t know how we’ll pay the bills if you quit your job, but we’ll cross that bridge when we come to it.
What does it mean to cross over the bridge?
1. To move from one side of something to another: Let’s cross over the bridge.
Do not cross the bridge until you come to it sentence?
Deal with a situation when, and not before, it occurs. For example, If we can’t sell the house-well, we’ll cross that bridge when we come to it. The ultimate origin of this proverb, a caution not to anticipate trouble and often put as don’t cross a bridge till you come to it, has been lost.
What does a bridge signify?
The bridge is inherently symbolic of communication and union, whether it be between heaven and earth or two distinct realms. For this reason it can be seen as the connection between God and Man. It may be the passage to reality, or merely a symbol for travel and crossing.
When to use the idiom cross that bridge?
Idiom: Cross That Bridge When We Get There. This idiom is often used in situations where things aren’t going too well, and you need to prioritize what the most urgent matters are . If someone mentions a problem that can be dealt with or solved later, you use this expression to tell them that. This is especially true if the problem may never arise.
When to cross that bridge when you get there?
To address something only when it actually happens or becomes an issue. A: “Should we reach out to our distributors and let them know there may be a problem down the line?” B: “No, let’s just cross that bridge when we get there.” The job interview is a week away, so I’m not worried about it yet—I’ll cross that bridge when I get there.
What’s the meaning of let’s cross the river?
Meaning: used to describe something other than a bridge that serves the same function. Use In A Sentence: Let’s cross the river over here. It looks like there are some rocks that bridge over the river. That will make it easier to cross without getting our feet wet. 3. To Build Bridges
What does the phrase’bridge too far’mean?
A Bridge Too Far 1 Meaning: a goal or plan that is very ambitious. It is usually so ambitious that it is very difficult to accomplish. 2 Use In A Sentence: The plan to learn Russia in 3 months proved to be a bridge too far for Mark. 3 Use In A Sentence: The plan to have this project down by June proved to be a bridge too far.