
What are the physical characteristics of a bivalves?

What are the physical characteristics of a bivalves?

PHYSICAL CHARACTERISTICS Bivalves have bodies that are flattened from side to side and completely surrounded by two shells called valves. Each valve is made up of a hard mineral called calcium carbonate and is joined to the other by a hinge on the back.

What are the different parts of a bivalve?

The bivalve shell is composed of two calcareous valves. The mantle, a thin membrane surrounding the body, secretes the shell valves, ligament, and hinge teeth. The mantle lobes secrete the valves, and the mantle crest creates the other parts.

What is the body cavity of a bivalve called?

Enter your search terms: Within the shell is a fleshy layer of tissue called the mantle; there is a cavity (the mantle cavity) between the mantle and the body wall proper. The mantle secretes the layers of the shell, including the inner nacreous, or pearly, layer.

What is a bivalve muscle?

The adductor muscles are the main muscular system in bivalve mollusks (e.g. in clams, scallops, mussels, oysters, etc.). In many parts of the world, when people eat scallops, the adductor muscles are the only part of the soft parts of the animal which are eaten.

What are the four main characteristics of bivalves?

well developed nervous system X

  • Has no distinct head X
  • Has an open circulatory system X X
  • External shells present in some species X X X
  • Bite prey with beak X
  • Uses gills for both respiration and food collection X
  • All species are carnivorous predators X
  • Uses a radula for feeding X
  • Can change color for camoflauge X
  • Can form pearls X
  • What is the Order of bivalves?

    Classification & Species List of British Marine Bivalvia Select to scroll to the Order Order Nuculoida Dall, 1889 Order Nuculanoida Carter, Campbell & Campbell, 2000 Order Arcoida Stoliczka, 1870 Order Mytiloida Férussac, 1822 Order Pterioida Newell, 1965 Order Limoida Waller, 1978 Order Pectinoida H. Adams & A. Adams, 1857

    How are bivalves different from mollusks?

    Bivalves have mouths, hearts, intestine, gills, stomachs and siphons, but do not have heads, radulae or jaws. These mollusks possess abductor muscles that, when contracted, hold the two halves of their shells closed. Bivalves are also equipped with a muscular foot, which in many species, such as clams,…

    What are some examples of bivalves?

    A bivalve is an animal that has two hinged shells, which are called valves. All bivalves are mollusks. Examples of bivalves are clams, mussels, oysters, and scallops.