Users' questions

How did BP fix the oil spill?

How did BP fix the oil spill?

On July 15, 2010, BP announced that it had successfully plugged the oil leak using a tightly fitted cap. The cap, weighing 75 tons and standing 30 feet (9.1 m) high, is now bolted to the failed blowout preventer. It consists of a Flange Transition Spool and a 3 Ram Stack and is a temporary solution.

How many days was the BP oil spill leaking?

87 days
In the BP Oil Spill, more than 200 million gallons of crude oil was pumped into the Gulf of Mexico for a total of 87 days, making it the biggest oil spill in U.S. history.

When did the Deepwater Horizon oil spill happen?

The April 20, 2010, explosion on the Deepwater Horizon drilling platform that took 11 lives and spread a massive oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico has focused attention on the safety of offshore oil and gas well drilling. Just what caused the massive blowout? What steps do drillers take to prevent blowouts?

How is the seal on the Deepwater Horizon sealed?

To ensure that seal is tight, two, sometimes three, pressure tests are performed at two-hour intervals, and cement slurry is injected at high pressure to fill any leaks in the cement sheath that are detected.

What was the pressure of the Deepwater Horizon blowout?

As of yet, we still don’t have all the answers. What we do know, though, is that oil wells will continue to be drilled under ocean depths of 3,000 feet, putting equipment under high pressureof more than 2,300 pounds per square inch. This is what makes getting natural gas and crude oil out of the briny depths so difficult.

What was the fail safe on the Deepwater Horizon?

The fail-safe valves failing to engage. The process to seal the well involved filling the pipe from the rig to the well with cement. Inside the pipe were two valves that were supposed to engage to stop natural gas and oil from coming up the pipe if a leak was detected.