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What is a special service district?

What is a special service district?

Special districts (also known as special service districts, special district governments, limited purpose entities, or special-purpose districts) are independent, special-purpose governmental units that exist separately from local governments such as county, municipal, and township governments, with substantial …

What is an example of a special district?

Single-function special districts are the most common type, examples of which include school building authorities, libraries, hospitals, health, highways, air transportation, fire protection, drainage or flood control, irrigation, sewerage, solid-waste management, water supply, cemeteries, and mosquito abatement.

What is special district work?

Special districts are local agencies which deliver specific services to specific communities. Operating under state laws, special districts are autonomous government entities that are accountable to the voters or landowners they serve. State officials, however, oversee special districts.

What is a special district in Texas?

In Texas, thousands of local governments called special purpose districts provide a variety of services including water conservation, toll roads, hospitals, libraries, utilities and fire control efforts.

What are some examples of special districts?

Single-function special districts are the most common type, examples of which include school building authorities, libraries, hospitals, health, highways, air transportation, fire protection, drainage or flood control, irrigation, sewerage, solid-waste management, water supply, cemeteries, and mosquito abatement.

How are special districts typically created?

Special districts are legally separate entities with at least some corporate powers. Districts are created by legislative action, court action, or public referendum. The procedures for creating a special district may include procedures such as petitions, hearings, voter or landowner approval, or government approval.

What does special district mean?

Definition of special district. : a political subdivision of a state established to provide a single public service (such as water supply or sanitation) within a specific geographic area.

What are special districts?

Definition of special district : a political subdivision of a state established to provide a single public service (such as water supply or sanitation) within a specific geographic area : a political subdivision of a state established to provide a single public service (as water supply or sanitation) within a specific geographical area