
Can you put plecos with African cichlids?

Can you put plecos with African cichlids?

Most infamous, the African cichlids are known for roughing up tankmates. A pleco of similar size may be able to withstand such treatment, but this is not ideal. Aggressive cichlids and aggressive plecos make poor tankmates as they can all injure each other.

Can you put algae eaters with African cichlids?

Compatibility. They are compatible with most fish and inverts, whether they be African cichlids or regular freshwater fish. These fish will eat up your algae eater’s fins. When adding them to the African cichlid tank, be mindful of their size.

How do you feed a pleco to a cichlid tank?

You will need to supplement the bristlenose plecos diet with algae wafers or fresh vegetables, especially if they are in a tank with greedy fish. Adding the algae wafers a couple hours after lights out will help a great deal. I like to use fresh zucchini or cucumber (seeds scooped out) for my plecos.

What is the best size tank for African cichlids?

A good rule of thumb for African Cichlids is to get at least a 4-foot-wide aquarium. African cichlids do better when crowded with other African cichlids, but they should be monitored for aggressive behavior and removed if needed.

Can a common pleco go with African cichlids?

aside from water chemistry and the fact that the pleco won’t really be able to live in the 50g long term either, african cichlids have a tendency to pluck the eyeballs out of their pleco tankmates – that’s the only unprotected part of the fish.

Which is the best algae eater for African cichlids?

The best algae eater for the African cichlid tank is without a doubt, the ancistrus sp.

What kind of fish can I put in my African cichlid tank?

African Red-Eyed Tetra (Arnoldichthys spilopterus) is another fish that can cohabit pretty well with the African Cichlid. The fish can grow fairly larger, hence the need to prepare a bigger tank that can give it enough room to swim from one corner to the other.

Are there clown loaches in an African cichlid tank?

Just like the African Cichlids, the Clown Loaches have a tendency of hiding all the time. Therefore, ensure that your tank is fully equipped with small rocks and caves to help them find ideal hiding places.