
Can ringworm occur on legs?

Can ringworm occur on legs?

Signs and symptoms of ringworm may include: A scaly ring-shaped area, typically on the buttocks, trunk, arms and legs. May itch. A clear or scaly area inside the ring, perhaps with a scattering of red bumps.

What causes ringworm on legs?

Causes and Risk Factors of Ringworm Having direct, skin-to-skin contact with affected areas of an infected person’s body. Touching items that have the fungi on them, such as clothing, combs, pool surfaces, and shower floors. Playing with pets.

How do you get rid of ringworm on your legs?

Over-the-counter antifungals can kill the fungus and promote healing. Effective medications include miconazole (Cruex), clotrimazole (Desenex) and terbinafine (Lamisil). After cleaning the rash, apply a thin layer of antifungal medication to the affected area 2 to 3 times per day or as directed by the package.

What does ringworm look like when healing?

What Does Ringworm Look Like When it Is Healing? Symptoms. You know you have ringworm when red rings form on your skin. Causes. Ringworm is contagious; you can catch it through contact with another person or animal. Treatment. Ringworm will not heal on its own. Around The House. Wash your clothes and sheets every day until the infection is completely gone. Prevention.

Is ringworm an actual worm?

Ringworm is a very confusing term because it is really not a worm at all. Ringworm is actually an infection caused by a fungus not a worm. This type of fungus also causes jock itch, scalp and nail infections, and athlete’s foot.

What is the fastest treatment for ringworm?

Apple cider vinegar (ACV) is the quickest way to get rid of ringworm on face, arms or legs. Apply undiluted apple cider vinegar (raw and organic only) all over the ringworm patches.

Does ringworm go away naturally?

Although some people do not show visible symptoms of the fungus or may have their visible symptoms go away for a time, without treatment the fungus that causes the rash will remain present on the skin. Because it is fungal in nature, ringworm will not go away on its own.