
What is a Sunquake?

What is a Sunquake?

A sunquake is a short-lived seismic disturbance in the interior of the Sun seen with some solar flares and coronal mass ejections (CME) as propagating ripples on the surface.

What causes a Moonquake?

– Deep moonquakes, quakes originating deep (over 700 kilometers deep) within the moon, caused by the stretching and relaxing of the gravitational pull between the Earth and the moon, the same force that drives our ocean tides! – Meteor impacts, vibrations caused when meteors crash into the surface of the moon.

How are Marsquakes different from earthquakes?

A marsquake is a quake which, much like an earthquake, would be a shaking of the surface or interior of the planet Mars as a result of the sudden release of energy in the planet’s interior, such as the result of plate tectonics, which most quakes on Earth originate from, or possibly from hotspots such as Olympus Mons …

Why do Moonquakes last longer?

Moonquakes don’t seem to have such strict schedules, and on average, they last far longer than quakes on Earth. When the tectonic plates rumble and an earthquake occurs, the huge amount of energy spreads out through the mineral-rich crust of the earth, which has largely been infiltrated by water in the stone.

When does a quake occur on the planet Venus?

A venusquake is a quake that occurs on the planet Venus . A venusquake may have caused a new scarp and a landslide to form. An image of the landslides was taken in November 1990 during the first flight around Venus by the Magellan spacecraft.

Where does a quake occur on the Sun?

A sunquake is a quake that occurs on the Sun . Seismic waves produced by sunquakes occur in the photosphere and can travel at velocities of 35,000 kilometres per hour (22,000 mph) for distances up to 400,000 kilometres (250,000 mi) before fading away.

How big was the largest quake on Earth?

The largest recorded starquake was detected on December 27, 2004 from the ultracompact stellar corpse SGR 1806-20. It has been calculated that the energy release would be equivalent to a magnitude 32 quake on Earth. The quake, which occurred 50,000 light years from Earth, released gamma rays equivalent to 10 37 kW.