Users' questions

Where can I get free flight charts?

Where can I get free flight charts?
Canadian charts are available with a free account.

What happened to SimBrief?

SimBrief will eventually use Navigraph accounts for all users. SimBrief will remain free to use, as it always has been. For now, both login methods are available. If you registered on SimBrief on or after June 23rd 2021, you likely created a Navigraph account and should log in using that method.

What is the best flight planning software?

Top 8 apps for pilots

  • MyRadar NOAA Weather Radar, Forecasts & Storms. Having been downloaded over 30m times, MyRadar is one of the most popular weather apps on the market.
  • Flightradar24 Flight Tracker.
  • CloudAhoy.
  • Foreflight Mobile.
  • LogTen Pro X.
  • E6B Aviation Calculator.
  • Qref Aircraft Checklists (iOS only)
  • SkyDemon.

Is SimBrief safe?

Unfortunately, no data transmission or storage system can be guaranteed to be 100% secure, and although measures are taken to protect your personal data, SimBrief cannot guarantee the security of any data transmitted to the server.

Does SimBrief cost money?

Note that while SimBrief is free, it uses a slightly outdated navigation database by default. Registered Navigraph users can optionally purchase a Navigraph subscription after registering, which will give them access to the latest real-world navigation data with updates every 28 days.

How early can I file a flight plan?

Every country will have different requirements as to how far in advance a FPL can be filed and what the minimum requirement to file is. The ICAO standard is to allow a FPL to be filed up to 120 hours prior to ETD. Many countries (such as the U.S.) only allow a FPL to be filed a max of 23 hours in advance.

Can anyone file a flight plan?

Flight plans can only be created, stored, and filed if you have entered all of the pertinent info on the Pilot/User Info page and have entered at least one aircraft into your account. FltPlan can be used by anyone to file an IFR or VFR flight plan, but you must be a pilot with a current airmen certificate and medical.

Are there free apps like ForeFlight?

For those Android users out there, or someone looking for an alternative to ForeFlight, Garmin Pilot offers many of the same features as ForeFlight. Sectionals, Approach plates, flight planning tools, synthetic vision, Garmin Pilot offers all you need for a richer flying experience.

How do you make a flight plan?

Creating a Flight Plan. Select the action key. Select Flightplan > Create New. Select First Point. Select a category. Select the first point on the route. Select Next Point. Repeat steps 4–6 until the route is complete. Select Done to save the route.

How do you file a flight plan?

Select the Flight Service option from the home screen, and enter your pilot and aircraft credentials using the buttons in the lower right. Press the “New” button at the top right of the screen, select File Flight Plan, enter the flight details and press the Send button at the top right of the window.

What do you use for flight planning?

Your FAA flight plan requires a true airspeed. You will use TAS when you plan for your flight because it is a reflection of how fast you will actually fly through the air on any given flight. Because TAS takes into account altitude and temperature, it is a “true” reflection of your actual speed.

What can a flight planning do?

The basic purpose of a flight planning system is to calculate how much trip fuel is needed in the air navigation process by an aircraft when flying from an origin airport to a destination airport.