What does error 104-connection reset by peer mean?
What does error 104-connection reset by peer mean?
Since migrating my pingometer monitors are showing around 50% of them fail with : Error 104 – Connection reset by peer Both servers tick along at about 20% CPU and 60% memory for most of the time and even at quiet times I’m getting these errors.
What to do if ESP32 fails to connect?
ESP32 recognizes the lost of connection and wait for 10 seconds before attempting a new connection to same TCP port of the server. Then, I start again the server program but ESP32 fails to connect. As I wrote if I use the “http-request” example in esp-idf it works, so the procedure is OK.
Why do I keep getting the errno 104 error?
After that the roles turns around – the server becomes a client and clients become servers to receive the data. The thing is that when trying to do the first connection, that is when the 13 clients try to connect to the server I keep getting this error: [Errno 104] Connection reset by peer.
What is the allocated socket number in ESP32?
When I simulate a lost of connection and ESP32 reconnects, the assigned socket integer number is 8193 (or above) and then it fails to connect reporting errno=104. I have checked that the allocated socket number in http-request is around 4096-4104 and it works..could it be a problem of the integer number allocated to the socket?
What does connection reset by peer mean in Django?
– Django ConnectionResetError: [Errno 104] Connection reset by peer with a simple GET call. I have this pretty simple GET api method (I use djangorestframework, but the issue is still related to Django itself, see all my explanations):
How to get a connection reset by peer?
ConnectionResetError: [Errno 104] Connection reset by peer with a simple GET call → ConnectionResetError: [Errno 104] Connection reset by peer with a simple GET call. Note: See TracTickets for help on using tickets.