
When was part 9 of Indian Constitution added?

When was part 9 of Indian Constitution added?

73rd Amendment of Panchayati Raj in India. The 73rd Amendment 1992 added a new Part IX to the constitution titled “The Panchayats” covering provisions from Article 243 to 243(O); and a new Eleventh Schedule covering 29 subjects within the functions of the Panchayats.

Who added Ninth Schedule to the Constitution?

9th Schedule The 9th schedule was drafted by the first government of independent India in the tenure of J L Nehru. It represents a drastic but innovative technique of amending the Indian Constitution. It is a method to bypass the judicial review and judicial scrutiny.

When was 9th Schedule added?

By the First Constitution (Amendment) Act, 1951 13 laws were added to the Ninth Schedule. It was again amended by Fourth Constitutional (Amendment) Act and six more Acts were added. By the 17th Amendment Act 44 laws were added. The Constitution 29th (Amendment) Act, 1972 added 20 more laws.

How many items were there in the 9th schedule when it was introduced?

All the 13 Acts included in the Ninth Schedule, when it was first inserted in Part III of the Constitution vide Article 31-B in 1951, were concerned with the abolition of zamindari and allied matters relating to agrarian reforms. It has been amended several times since and now consists of 284 Acts.

Can laws in 9th schedule be challenged?

“The Ninth Schedule was brought in the Indian Constitution on 18 June 1951 to abolish Zamindari system. The Ninth Schedule contains a list of laws that cannot be challenged in courts. Out of 284 such laws which are shielded from judicial review, 90 per cent of laws are about agriculture and landholding.

Is 9th schedule under judicial review Upsc?

SC judgement related to Ninth Schedule: In a landmark ruling on 11 January 2007, the Supreme Court of India ruled that all laws (including those in the Ninth Schedule) would be open to Judicial Review if they violated the basic structure of the constitution.

Can enactments in 9th schedule be challenged?

The Ninth Schedule contains a list of central and state laws which cannot be challenged in courts. Currently, 284 such laws are shielded from judicial review. The Schedule became a part of the Constitution in 1951, when the document was amended for the first time. 31B shields specific laws or enactments.

Is GST 101 or 122 amendment?

Officially known as The Constitution (One Hundred and First Amendment) Act, 2016, this amendment introduced a national Goods and Services Tax (GST) in India from 1 July 2017….One Hundred and First Amendment of the Constitution of India.

The Constitution (One Hundred and First Amendment) Act, 2017
Bill published on 19 December 2014
Introduced by Arun Jaitley

Which is the latest amendment?

A constitutional amendment bill to restore the powers of the states to make their own OBC lists was passed by Parliament on Wednesday. The Constitution (One Hundred and Twenty-Seventh Amendment) Bill, 2021 was passed by the Rajya Sabha as 187 members voted in its favour.