Is Tetra bits good for discus?
Is Tetra bits good for discus?
my answer is yes cause Hikari Bio Gold contain enough nutrition value and Tetra Bits used to enhance the red colour, but with dry foods you can’t get growth rate proper maybe it will take more time to grow but that’s not a big problem you just need to feed them properly about four times and proper water change to …
Is Tetra bits good for neon tetra?
Tubifex are a great way to go for any fish, especially Neon Tetras. Tubifex worms are pure protein, so you will have to feed your fish some other foods to meet the Neon Tetras’ omnivorous dietary needs. However, these freeze dried worms definitely make for a good occasional snack or special mealtime.
Is Tetra bits good for Oscar?
Tetra Cichlid Jumbo Sticks Fish Food is our pick for the best overall food for Oscar fish. This brand is a great alternative to feeding your Oscar live fish. It’s constructed from dried krill and shrimp and fortified with vitamin C. This type of food floats, so it’s more like the food in their natural habitat.
What is the best food to feed discus fish?
The 6 Best Food for Discus Fish – Reviews 2021
- Hikari USA Inc. Tropical Discus Bio-Gold – Best Overall.
- Seachem NutriDiet Discus Flakes – Best Value. Check Latest Price.
- Sera 307 Discus Granules – Premium Choice. Check Latest Price.
- Cobalt Discus Hans Flakes.
- Ocean Nutrition Discus Flakes.
- Omega One Discus Sinking Pellets.
Is Tetra bits good for goldfish?
When it comes to fish food, TETRA BITS is a popular name in India. This food is available in the form of pellets and is suitable for almost all breeds of goldfish and life stages as well.
Will tetras eat from the bottom?
They only eat the flakes when they’re floating in the water column. They won’t eat them off the surface and they won’t eat them off the substrate. That leaves a very limited window for them to get the food, so most of it just sits on the substrate.
What’s the best food for neon tetras?
6 Best Foods For Neon Tetras Compared & Reviewed
- Omega One Color Mini Pellets.
- Omega One Veggie Mini Pellets.
- Omega One Super Color Flakes.
- Northfin Community Formula.
- Fluval Bug Bites Tropical Fish Food.
- New Life Spectrum Grow.
Is Tetra bits good for angelfish?
Suitable for all aquarium fish species such as goldfish, fancy carp, swordtails, platies, mollies, angelfish, cichlids, anabantids and bettas.
Do oscars eat bananas?
Homemade Food to Supplement Your Oscar’s Diet Common fruits given to oscars include bananas, cantaloupe, oranges and watermelon. Make sure if you feed fruit, you remove any seeds before feeding. Some oscar owners may also feed them bread, which will not harm your fish but will not add anything nutritious to his diet.
Will oscars eat flake food?
Baby Oscar fish can eat flakes and pellets. You can also feed it live food such as Bloodworms. As Oscar Fish is omnivorous, you should also feed it vegetables occasionally.
How long can discus fish go without eating?
2-3 weeks
Discus fish larger than 10 cm and other semi-grown fish can survive quite well without food for 2-3 weeks. Larger and older fish can survive even longer, from 1 to 2 months.