
What was found at the bottom of 10X on Oak Island?

What was found at the bottom of 10X on Oak Island?

Sonar, a TV camera, and divers as late as 2016 have all been to the bottom of 10X.

What is the oldest thing found on Oak Island?

A number of coins have been found on oak Island and many more recently through the use of metal detectors. Two of the oldest are believed to be an 11 Maravedis dated 1598, found by a student on the beach at Smith’s cove in 1965 and a similar 8 Maravedis circa 1600, found in the swamp in 2016.

Did they actually find treasure on Oak Island?

But do they ever find any treasure on Oak Island? Instead, as the Oak Island Tours site puts it, they ended up with “two shafts full of water and no treasure.” Though the explorers on the show haven’t hit pay-dirt yet, they have made some interesting discoveries over the years.

Was the money pit found on Oak Island?

Since the 19th century, explorers have tried to locate the loot. And some interesting artifacts have been unearthed. But the main treasure has never been found—and remains a mystery even to these explorers.

Is Oak Island coming back in 2020?

The last season was renewed in late September 2020 and released on November 10, 2020. If we go by records, a new season is released every November, therefore if the series is renewed with Season 9 in September 2021, we can expect The Curse of Oak Island Season 9 to release in late 2021 or early 2022.

What is the mystery of Oak Island?

The Oak Island mystery refers to stories of buried treasure and unexplained objects found on or near Oak Island in Nova Scotia. Since the 19th century, a number of attempts have been made to locate treasure and artifacts. Theories about artifacts present on the island range from pirate treasure,…

Where is the treasure on Oak Island?

Treasure has finally been found on The Curse of Oak Island — in the form of a brooch containing a 500-year-old faceted red gemstone. The breakthrough discovery was made on the penultimate episode of the History show’s fifth season, being uncovered by metal-detecting expert Gary Drayton in an area to the north of the Nova Scotian island.

What is the Oak Island Treasure mystery?

The Oak Island mystery is a set to stories about hidden and buried treasures, artifacts and unexplained objects on Oak Island in Nova Scotia, one of Canadian Provinces. There have been many different attempts since the 19th century to find and retrieve treasure and artifacts.

What was found on Oak Island?

Oak Island is in Nova Scotia, in eastern Canada. One of the possible treasures thought to be located in the Money Pit are documents proving that Sir Francis Bacon was the actual author of Shakespeare’s plays. Coconut fiber, along with logs, stones and charcoal, was found in unearthed layers on Oak Island.