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How deep of water do walleye live in?

How deep of water do walleye live in?

Walleye are generally caught between 10-40 Ft. A typical mid-sized lake in the Midwest would likely hold Walleye between the depths of 10-15 Ft. during the Spring, 15-25 Ft. transitioning to Summer, 25-40 Ft.

Are walleye a deep water fish?

Walleyes spend the better part of their summer season in deep water. Provided there’s enough oxygen at depth, they happily enjoy cooler water temperatures and the bevy of bugs and other bait that congregate on deep structure.

How shallow do walleye go?

Most followers of the deep-water theory concede that maybe walleyes move shallow to feed after dark, but they think walleyes always slip back into the deeper areas at dawn. But biologists who attached radio transmitters to walleyes in one study found them at a depth of nine feet twice as often than at any other.

Are walleye top or bottom feeders?

Walleyes are basically bottom feeders, but don’t ignore those fish that suspend over drop-offs in deep lakes. Some of the best summer walleye fishing is provided by suspended fish.

What’s the best time to fish for walleye?

The best times of day to fish for large walleye is around dawn and dusk. In particular, 30 minutes before and after sunset and sunrise are peak times. That said, walleye will continue to feed all night long. On cloudy or windy mornings, walleye may feed up to an hour and a half after sunrise.

What bait is best for walleye?

Minnows are the most popular bait option for walleye anglers, I have found consistent success with shiner and flathead minnows. When targeting bigger fish, shiners in the 4-6″ range are the mainstay, these will weed through some of the smaller fish and get you on 25″+ Walleye.

How deep is too deep walleye?

Flat basins at 40+ feet can be productive for walleyes. The only problem with catching them that deep is that you usually can not release them because their eyes will be bulged out and their air bladders might be popping out of their mouths.

Are walleye always on the bottom?

They do not suspend, however, and are almost always caught by making bottom-oriented presentations. In large river systems, many walleyes are caught close to dams in winter and spring.

What is the best walleye bait?

Minnows are the most popular bait option for walleye anglers, I have found consistent success with shiner and flathead minnows. When targeting bigger fish, shiners in the 4-6″ range are the mainstay, these will weed through some of the smaller fish and get you on 25″+ Walleye.

What kind of jig to use for walleye in Saskatchewan?

Use jigs which are light and contain a white twistertail, worm piece, walleye gullet, leach, live minnow or salted minnow. In Saskatchewan, summertime takes the walleyes into deeper water. Females come close to shore between 10 pm and 3am. These fish prefer blue colors and you must troll slowly and quietly; you may consider using a Loten jig rig.

Where to find walleyes on Big Water Lake?

When you are Walleye fishing on big water, the Walleyes tend to stay suspended along with the schools of baitfish. Lets say you were on a big lake Like Lake Nipssing or Cedar Lake in Northern Ontario.

What’s the best way to catch a walleye?

Drag the jig along the bottom as you cast out to attract the fish to feed. Shake the line gently every so often to remove debris. Longer jig motions are more effective in the mornings. In the afternoons the fish are slower moving and by using a worm piece, walleye gullet or minnow will be most attractive to them.

When do walleyes come out of the water?

The big females generally only come shallow in the spring when they are up along the shore, in rivers or over sandbars, which are their favorite places to spawn. The smaller males seem to stay in the 2 to 15 foot range all year. The bigger females tent to go deeper then 15 feet.