
Is Ace Attorney Miles Edgeworth good?

Is Ace Attorney Miles Edgeworth good?

Nintendo World Report gave the game 8.5/10 and said “Ace Attorney Investigations is quite possibly the best entry in the series, as it changes up the tried-and-true formula enough to keep it fresh, while retaining the style and witty dialogue of the previous titles.” They gave high praise for the game music and art …

Can you play as Edgeworth in Ace Attorney?

Recently Capcom released the latest installment to their mobile line-up: Ace Attorney Investigations: Miles Edgeworth. In this game, you’ll play as prosecutor Miles Edgeworth as he tries to clear his name when a brutal murder occurs in his office.

Does Phoenix Wright like Edgeworth?

The two meet again in Turnabout Goodbyes, as Miles Edgeworth is accused of murder. Phoenix takes it upon himself to become Miles’ lawyer and defend him in court. In the end, he succeeds and the two form a closer bond. Young Edgeworth decided to defend Wright in the class trial and that is when their friendship began.

What kind of lawyer is Miles Edgeworth?

Chief Prosecutor
Miles Edgeworth is a Chief Prosecutor of the prosecutor’s office. During his first four years as a prosecutor, he had a perfect win record in trials and was willing to do just about anything to get a guilty verdict for the defendant.

Why did Phoenix Wright lose his badge?

During a case seven years prior to the events of Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney, two months after Trials and Tribulations, he was forced to forfeit his attorney’s badge after presenting evidence that, unknown to him, was forged.

Is Miles Edgeworth a bad guy?

Miles Edgeworth, is the central antagonist and deuteragonist of the Ace Attorney (Gyakuten Saiban/Turnabout Trial in Japan) series of visual novel adventure video games.

Is Edgeworth a bad guy?

Did Phoenix Wright lose his badge?

Phoenix hires a rookie defense attorney named Apollo Justice, who works for Phoenix’s friend, Kristoph Gavin, a renowned defense attorney. After clearing his name, Phoenix retakes the bar exam, regaining his badge and once again becoming a defense attorney.

How does Miles Edgeworth appear in Ace Attorney Investigations?

During investigations, characters appear as small sprites standing at a specific point in an area rather than as large sprites facing the player. Edgeworth and his various partners also appear in the same manner, and the player is able to move Edgeworth around freely.

Who is a prosecutor in an ace case?

A prosecutor is one who seeks the conviction of a defendant. However… I don’t believe that’s all we are. Ace Attorney Investigations: Miles Edgeworth ( 逆転検事 ( Gyakuten Kenji ); lit.

What was Miles Edgeworth’s goal as a prosecutor?

His goal as a prosecutor is to seek the truth above all else, and to use the power of the law to save people. That’s when I heard his father was a defense attorney. I remember, his eyes would shine when he talked about his father. Edgeworth in fourth grade. In early 2001, when Edgeworth was nine years old, someone stole his lunch money.

Who are the main characters in Ace Attorney?

Miles Edgeworth is a renowned prosecutor who finds himself embroiled in an Interpol investigation into an international smuggling ring . Dick Gumshoe is a bumbling but well-meaning police detective who assists Edgeworth in his investigations. Kay Faraday is a teenage girl claiming to be an infamous thief known as the ” Yatagarasu “.