Users' questions

What are the Khmer units in age of Empires?

What are the Khmer units in age of Empires?

The Khmer unique unit is the Ballista Elephant, a mounted scorpion that can be upgraded to fire two bolts simultaneously. The Khmer are a Southeast Asian civilization introduced in Age of Empires II HD: Rise of the Rajas. They focus on siege weapons and elephant units, in their case Battle Elephants and Ballista Elephants .

Where was the capital of the Khmer Empire?

The Khmer are a Southeast Asian civilization introduced in Age of Empires II HD: Rise of the Rajas. They focus on siege weapons and elephant units, in their case Battle Elephants and Ballista Elephants. The capital of the Khmer Empire was Angkor, which is one of the largest pre-industrial cities. At its peak, the city supported one million people.

How is the Khmer language similar to Malay?

Along with the Malay, Khmer is one of the few major languages of mainland Southeast Asia that is non-tonal. It also shares similarities with Malay due to Indian and Sanskrit influence (e.g. Suosdey in Khmer and Swasti in Malay).

What kind of technology does the Khmer Empire have?

Like their Chinese neighbor to the north, the Khmer Empire was also known to employ ballista technology. Consequently, their team bonus increases the range of Scorpions. In addition, Khmer also possess a ballista-carrying unique unit named Ballista Elephant.

How to use Samsung Galaxy phone with Khmer type?

1. Standard Samsung Keyboard With Khmer type 2. Fix Khmer Font some latter not display 3. Dialpad Standard International (+ Work 100%Call to every Country) 4. Enable Network Auto Mode (LTE,WCDAM,GSM Switchable ) 5. Standard Khmer Operator APN 6. Supper Clean Korean App 7. Enabled Sound Shutter menu in Camera 8. Pre-Rooted 9.

Who was the founder of the Khmer Empire?

Jayavarman II (ជ័យវរ្ម័នទី២; reigned 802 to 835): Founder of the Khmer Empire, he unified several parts of Khmer warlord states, marking the beginning of Angkor (great city) era in Cambodia history. Jayavarman VII Mahaparamasaugata (ជ័យវរ្ម័នទី៧; 1125-1218]