
Why is October the month for breast cancer awareness?

Why is October the month for breast cancer awareness?

October serves as a reminder for women to be screened in the hope that by doing so, early detection will lead to more positive outcomes in the fight against breast cancer.

What day in October do you wear pink for breast cancer?

This year’s Real Kids Wear Pink Day is Friday, October 22, 2021.

When is the breast cancer Walk in October?

Join us on 10/05/2021 On October 5th, help us fight back against this disease by raising funds for the American Cancer Society’s Breast Cancer Awareness 5K walk and fun run. The American Cancer Society is the nation’s largest not-for-profit organization raising funds for cancer research.

Where can I get support for breast cancer?

Breast Cancer Cancer Care provides free, professional support services for people affected by breast cancer, as well as breast cancer information and additional resources. We also offer a Women’s Cancers Program to help support female-identifying individuals coping with cancer. Listen to Chiara’s inspirational story of coping with breast cancer

When do people wear pink for breast cancer?

Taking place during Breast Cancer Awareness Month in October, thousands of amazing people wear it pink in their communities, schools or work places for the UK’s largest breast cancer charity, Breast Cancer Now. And since our first event in 2002, together we’ve raised over £33 million for our vital research.

How does Family Health Partnership clinic help breast cancer?

All proceeds support Family Health Partnership Clinic’s Breast Cancer Fund and provide breast cancer screenings, early intervention & education to the uninsured men and women of McHenry County. Take our 30K Challenge! Every single day in Illinois, 30 people are diagnosed with breast cancer.

How much money has been raised for breast cancer now?

Taking place during Breast Cancer Awareness Month, thousands of amazing people wear it pink in their communities, schools or work places for the UK’s largest breast cancer charity, Breast Cancer Now. 2021 is the 20th year that we’ll all be wearing it pink, with over £36 million raised since 2002.