
How do I register as a travel agent?

How do I register as a travel agent?

How Do You Go About Registering The Company?

  1. Choose possible names for your company.
  2. Apply online on with the Ministry of Corporate Affairs for the DIN (Director Identification Number)
  3. Register online for a DSC (Digital Signature Certificate)
  4. Gather your application materials.
  5. Complete e-Form 1A.

What are the requirements of travel agency?

The agency must have worked for a minimum of one year before applying. The company must have a neat, clean and well-maintained office occupying at least 150 sq. ft in India and at least 100 sq. ft in areas which are over 1000 meters above sea level.

How do I get my IATA license?

IATA/IATAN card applicants must also meet the following criteria:

  1. Hold a remunerated position at the accredited travel agency.
  2. Be registered with IATAN.
  3. Be at least 18 years of age.
  4. Work for the agency at least 20 hours per week.
  5. Earn a minimum of $5,000 in the year prior to application.

How do I get an IATA number?

Full IATA accreditation

  1. To apply for an IATA number, prepare these documents in the following order:
  2. Be ready to obtain a bond.
  3. Register at the Customer Support Portal.
  4. Submit the IATA application form.
  5. Pay the registration fee and wait.
  6. Register at the customer support portal.
  7. Submit the TIDS application form and wait.

How much does IATA certification cost?

It is calculated based on the airlines traffic statistics (RTKMs) for the previous two years….Membership Application Fees and Dues.

One time fee Amount in US$
Application fee (non-refundable) paid on receipt of the application form 15,000
Entrance fee paid on completion of the application review 15,000

Do IATA numbers expire?

The validity of an IATA/IATAN ID Card is 12 months.

What are the qualities of a good travel agency?

7 Characteristics of a Successful Travel Agent

  • Knowledge. When travelers choose to use a travel agent instead of booking a trip themselves, they are looking for expertise.
  • Professionalism. Set high expectations of professionalism for yourself and your employees.
  • Enthusiasm.
  • People Skills.
  • Integrity.
  • Resourcefulness.
  • Empathy.

Is a travel agent a good job?

Travel agents are among the most common and revered workers in the industry. If you love traveling or helping people fulfill their travel dreams, becoming a travel agent might be an excellent option. Nowadays, we all want a job that is flexible enough to save you some you-time while still promising financial stability.