Users' questions

What is the best th8 attack strategy?

What is the best th8 attack strategy?

First, put a dragon on each side of the part of the base that you are starting on to funnel. Then once your dragons have finished funnling, put your remaining dragons towards to middle of the base. Once your dragons get by the air defenses, drop your rage spell on them so they can destroy the air defense.

How do you get trophies in Clash of Clans th8?

  1. For Gaining trophies for a th8, the best attack strategy is:
  2. 25 Hog Riders,17 Archers,12 Wizards,5 minions,3 heal and a poison with Hogs and poison in CC.
  3. Draw out the CC troops of the enemy base by hog rider.
  4. Kill the troops using poison spell.

What mode in Brawl Stars gives you the most trophies?

In terms of trophy pushing, Showdown is one of the best game modes to play. If players do not have a friend to play with, Solo Showdown is more than sufficient to push a brawler to 550. Solo Showdown is also undisputedly the fastest game mode to push trophies, no matter what trophy range players are in.

What gives you the most trophies in Brawl Stars?

Basically, the more Brawlers you have, the more you can earn trophies. Win battles with every Brawler you have and rank them up to get more of them!

What league should I be in th8?

Gold League – Best league for th8. In this league, you’ll get the th8 bases and provides very satisfied loot. You can use these combination of troops.

What league should a TH7 be in?

I would recommend Gold league Division II and III. Anything further you are will be in town hall 8 playground and might get raided too often if your walls are not maxed. I believe Max walls for TH7 are dark purple (level 7).

How do you use GoWiPe strategy?

If you use this strategy for war attacks, change the number of Wall Breakers according to the walls if needed. You must make a path to the enemy’s Town Hall/find shortest path with less walls. Use Wall Breakers to destroy first layer of walls so Golems can go in.

What are the benefits of Trophy pushing in TH11?

Often times, trophy pushing is associated with end-game or TH11 gameplay, but as you have seen above the benefits are real for every player plus you will practice attacking all kind of setups and practice attacking for Clan Wars or just in general to become a more solid Clasher ?.

What’s the difference between Trophy pushing and base attack?

That’s the important difference as while trophy pushing you only have 30 seconds to prepare your attack and you won’t be able to tailor an army for the attack but use the one you have brought. Also, the execution is different as many war bases have an offset Town Hall that you can easily get but an extremely tough core area.

What’s the best way to do Trophy pushing?

Trophy Pushing is nothing you do in a couple of days. If you’re doing it, for whatever reason you do it, you first have to be aware that it requires a lot of time. Setting yourself daily goals helps a lot – Just set something that is realistic, like “today I will gain 10 Stars” or “I want to win 3 attacks every day”.

What’s the best trophy pushing strategy in allclash?

Then you open up the core area with the Earthquake Spells & send in your raged Valkyries to slice through the core like a hot knife through a piece of butter while the rest of your troops will gain you more percentage. This strategy is expensive in Dark Elixir but also very powerful, especially against the ring bases you see everywhere.

Popular tips

What is the best TH8 attack strategy?

What is the best TH8 attack strategy?

First, put a dragon on each side of the part of the base that you are starting on to funnel. Then once your dragons have finished funnling, put your remaining dragons towards to middle of the base. Once your dragons get by the air defenses, drop your rage spell on them so they can destroy the air defense.

What are hybrid attacks COC?

Hybrid Attacks are a kind of cyberattack where the perpetrator blends two or more kinds of tools to carry out the assault. A typical hybrid attack is one that merges a dictionary attack and a brute-force attack.

What is the best army for a TH8?

Advanced TH8 GoWiPe

Troop and Spell Type Quantity Min Lvl
Wall Breakers 6 5
Wizards 17 5
P.E.K.K.As 2 3
Golems 2 Any

What are hybrid attacks MCQS?

Explanation – Hybrid attacks do crack passwords that are created with replaced characters of dictionary type words.

How long does it take to Max a th8 lab?

Overall Upgrade Costs and Durations

Type Total
Builder Time 21d 16h 58m
Lab Time 1mo 22d 18h

How much is COC worth?

Clash of Clans revenue

Year Revenue
2016 $1.1 billion
2017 $0.7 billion
2018 $0.5 billion
2019 $0.7 billion

What is the attack strategy for th8 in Clash of clans?

golem and valkyrie attack strategy for this army, you will need 2 golems, 16 valks, 4 wall breakers, 1 wizard, 4 earthquake spells, 1 heal spell and 1 poison. First, you would use your earthquakes on the walls by the th so once your valks get in the base, they can get the th quickly. The, put out your golems to tank for the valks.

Which is the best th8 Hybrid base in Clash of clans?

Contents 1 best th8 hybrid base 2019 anti everything 2 coc th8 hybrid base with bomb tower 2.1 good level 8 hybrid base design with tower 3 best town hall 8 hybrid base 2019 anti everything 4 clash of clans th8 hybrid base anti everything

What’s the best attack strategy in th8 RuneScape?

Use your heal spell when your valks health is going down, and use the poison spell on the cc troops if there is any. Then use your king and wizard to destroy some of the buildings on the outside. This army is amazing, and It is imposible to not get at least a 2 star.

How to attack someone in Clash of clans?

1 Fill your Army Camps with 18 Giants, 80 Archers, 1 Healer and 16 Barbarians 2 Queue up 20 Archers in each barracks before you attack 3 Start looking for a battle and click next until you find someone with over 150K gold