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What are Sulawesi shrimp?

What are Sulawesi shrimp?

The Cardinal Sulawesi Shrimp is an exceptional dwarf shrimp species that is fairly new to the aquarium hobby. Native to the very unique Sulawesi lake system in Indonesia, it was discovered only a few years ago and is now being bred in small numbers by expert shrimp farmers and breeders.

Are Sulawesi shrimp hardy?

If you are starting out a Sulawesi tank, this shrimp would definitely be one that you should consider. They are hardy and easy to maintain with clean water.

What to feed Sulawesi shrimp?

Cardinal Sulawesi Shrimp are very easy to please. Their main diet in the wild consists of decaying plant matter, algae, and biofilm. In captivity, those same things should be diet staples! That’s why it’s so important to incorporate things like rocks and driftwood.

Are Sulawesi shrimp endangered?

Caridina dennerli is a small species of freshwater shrimp from Sulawesi (Indonesia) that grows up to 2.5 centimetres (1.0 in) in length….

Caridina dennerli
Critically Endangered (IUCN 3.1)
Scientific classification
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Arthropoda

Can you mix Sulawesi shrimp?

You can also mix multiple species of Sulawesi shrimp in the same tank, as they aren’t known to interbreed and most prefer similar water values.

What is a galaxy shrimp?

A galaxy shrimp, or in mandarin 银河虾 comes with tiny spots on the head. The focus of galaxy is on the head, the more tiny spots it has, the more costly it gets. It could be a few specks of tiny spots like the picture above or one with immensely lots of spots at the head.

How long do harlequin shrimp live?

Harlequin Shrimp Facts & Overview

Category Rating
Temperament: Territorial towards other shrimps only
Color Form: Cream with red or purple spots
Lifespan: Up to 7 years
Size: Up to 2 inches

Are shrimp easy to keep?

Shrimp are easier to keep than fish in many ways, but they are much more sensitive to changes in their water chemistry. Please note that they are very sensitive to copper and many other metals; excessive iron fertilization to achieve red plants or water supplements containing copper can result in swift death.

Are Crystal Red shrimp hard to care for?

As long as water parameters are where they’re supposed to be at and all other care requirements are being met, Crystal Red shrimp are not difficult to breed at all. These tiny shrimplets don’t need extra care, though some shrimp keepers choose to feed powdered baby shrimp foods.

What is the difference between caridina and Neocaridina shrimp?

Neocaridina differs from Caridina in shape of the endopod of male first pleopod. In Caridina the endopod is more “leave” shaped and in almost all species this appendage is tapering towards the distal end.

What is the most expensive shrimp?

The World’s Most Expensive Shrimp Is $10,000.

What is fancy tiger shrimp?

Red fancy tiger shrimp are a mix between tiger shrimp and crystal red shrimp. We keep these shrimp at the parameters below. In our experience, these shrimp are very hardy and have done really well for us. Through importing these guys, we have lost very few.

What should you know about shrimp in Sulawesi?

Probably the most important and challenging aspect of Sulawesi shrimp care is water quality. These shrimp do not respond well to fluctuating water values and any traces of ammonia, nitrite or copper. Never introduce any livestock in an aquarium that hasn’t been fully cycled.

Where can you find Cardinal Shrimp in Indonesia?

Cardinal Sulawesi Shrimp are native to the Sulawesi region in Indonesia. They can be found living in two ancient lakes. These lakes, like other bodies of water in the Sulawesi region, are unique. Thanks to the distinct water parameters of the area, Cardinal Sulawesi Shrimp can be difficult to care for.

What is the scientific name for Cardinal Sulawesi shrimp?

Now You’re Ready To Go! Small, yet vibrant in coloration, the Cardinal Sulawesi Shrimp (scientific name: Caridina dennerli) is a highly sought-after invertebrate in the fish trade. These dwarf shrimp are very new to the hobby.

How to set up a Sulawesi shrimp tank?

If you don’t know how to set up a Sulawesi shrimp tank, we can help you. This is some text inside of a div block. This is some text inside of a div block. This is some text inside of a div block. Sulawesi Mineral can adjust the water quality to the data closest to the Sulawesi lake to reach the ideal PH, GH, Kh, TDS.