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Why did Jo Lipsett leave Waterloo Road?

Why did Jo Lipsett leave Waterloo Road?

Jo Lipsett brings a rush of excitement to the staffroom when she arrives at Waterloo Road with her forthright and fun approach to life….Wiki Targeted (Entertainment)

Jo Lipsett
Last Appearance Series 5 Episode 20
Cause/Reason Left for pastures new
Occupation Head of Modern Foreign Languages

What happened to ROS in Waterloo Road?

Although her and Philip never regain their relationship back as Ros is now into women (much to Philip’s disappointment) they still after a while manage to form a friendship….Wiki Targeted (Entertainment)

Ros McCain
Cause/Reason Finished School
Born 1992
Mother Mrs McCain

Where did Steph Haydock go on Waterloo Road?

She is now the head of Pastoral Care, after former head of Pastoral Care Kim Campbell went to work in Rwanda with Andrew Treneman. However, at the beginning of the second half of the series, she was in France with Tom Clarkson filling in for her.

Has Steph left Waterloo Road?

Steph left Waterloo Road with Oliver Mead, but has proved a loyal friend to members of staff by returning several times when they have needed her, particularly around halfway through series 6, when Grantlycouldn’t cope with his wife Fleur having Alzheimer’s.

Why did Jasmine Koreshi leave Waterloo Road?

In series 3 she made the mistake of crossing Michaela White, who was bullying a younger pupil along with her friends….Wiki Targeted (Entertainment)

Jasmine Koreshi
Last Appearance Series 4 Episode 20
Cause/Reason Left for pastures new
Occupation English Teacher Acting Head of English (S4E17)

Does Kim lose her baby in Waterloo Road?

In Ep18, Kim gave birth to her son by an emergency C-section.

What happened to Rose Kelly and Tom Clarkson?

Rose Kelly is the mother of Marley, Earl, Sambuca, Denzil & Prince Kelly. She is also the former partner of Tom Clarkson….Wiki Targeted (Entertainment)

Rose Kelly
Cause/Reason Left after Sambuca’s death
Occupation Canteen Assistant (S4E5 – S5E17)
Romances Reynold Tom Clarkson (Deceased)

Does Chlo get pregnant in Waterloo Road?

She was born in the 18th episode of the 4th Season of Waterloo Road. Chlo took the pregnancy test 5 times just to make sure. With the midwife, Donte and Miss Campbell at her side, Chlo was forced to give birth to their baby in the girls toilets, as the baby was breach.

Does Chlo and Donte stay together?

Donte doesn’t believe Celine and decides to save Chlo from the fire, resulting in Donte and Chlo getting back together. In Series 4 Episode 4, Chlo and Donte move out of Chlo’s family home to live in a flat. Chlo and Donte decide to keep their daughter and name her Izzie, after Chlo’s late mother Izzie Redpath.

Why did Kim leave Waterloo?

The actress confirmed last year that she was leaving her role as Kim Campbell on the BBC drama in order to concentrate on other projects. Denise Welch’s character Steph Haydock is also leaving Waterloo Road this year because the actress wants to concentrate on Loose Women and her autobiography.

Why was Denzil Kelly killed?

Far from being stupid though, Denzil was actually very bright in his own cheeky way….Wiki Targeted (Entertainment)

Denzil Kelly
Cause/Reason Died after being hit by a drunk lorry driver on the England-Scotland border
Born 1997
Died 2012

How old is Jo Lipsett in Waterloo Road?

Jo Lipsett brings a rush of excitement to the staffroom when she arrives at Waterloo Road with her forthright and fun approach to life. Passionate and dedicated, she’s worked hard to become Head of Languages at a tender 31 years of age.

What happens to Max and Steph in Waterloo Road?

Jo hates Max for this and leaves Waterloo Road. However, Rachel Mason stamped out Max’s bullying towards the MFL Department and decided to reinstate Jo and Steph leading to the climax of Max’s departure in the next episode. In the next episode ,Steph stops Rachel from leaving Waterloo Road.

Why was Steph so upset with Jo Lipsett?

Steph found it difficult taking direction from her new boss thinking that she’s barely older than the kids, but the two eventually form a close bond with Jo genuinely working to improve Steph ’s teaching skills.

Who is the head of French in Waterloo Road?

Steph conceals and tries to help out her pupils as much as possible, sometimes leading to even more trouble, but she does it out of the goodness of her heart. Steph Haydock is the head of French at Waterloo Road. She is a lenient teacher, knowing she can’t control her classes often, despite this the pupils seem to like her.