
Is the no sleep podcast real?

Is the no sleep podcast real?

The NoSleep Podcast is an anthology horror fiction podcast.

What is the best no sleep podcast?

If you’re looking for the best of the early years of the show, check out our definitive list here.

  • Wallmart. Season 8, Episode 22.
  • Down in the Library Basement. Season 7, Episode 22.
  • 500 Yards. Season 10, Episode 18.
  • A Seaside British Pub.
  • The Slog.
  • What Happens When the Stars Go Out.
  • The House in the Field.
  • Best Finale Episode:

Is no sleep podcast scary?

“The NoSleep Podcast” is a horror fiction podcast that started in 2011 that can mortify me like only a good Creepypasta can, but also sometimes leaves me disappointed. Horror is a difficult genre on which to base a podcast. Tropes abound, plots are often cliche and predictable, no one knows how to turn on a light, etc.

Is NoSleep podcast free?

The NoSleep Podcast | Listen to Podcasts On Demand Free | TuneIn.

When did The Nosleep Podcast start?

June 13th, 2011
The response was quite positive and over the next few months a small group of members endeavored to put together what would come to be known as The Nosleep Podcast. On June 13th, 2011 Episode #1 was released.

Who narrates The Nosleep Podcast?

David Cummings
David Cummings is the host and producer of The Nosleep Podcast, the popular horror storytelling podcast.

What is the scariest no sleep podcast episode?

Keep reading to learn more about each episode, and vote up your favorites!

  1. Season 5, Episode 25 – “The Whistlers”
  2. Season 8, Episode 25 – “My Dad Finally Told Me What Happened That Day”
  3. Season 5, Episode 18 – “Soft White Damn”
  4. Season 7, Episode 25 – “Borrasca”

How do you summon the butter street hitchhiker?

“How to Summon the Butter Street Hitchhiker” is the second tale in the sixth episode of the twelfth season of The Nolseep Podcast. In it, a man attempts to summon a ghost to answer a question. Written by Chris Hicks, it has a runtime of 22:23 and was performed by Atticus Jackson and Mark Berry.

Where can I listen to NoSleep podcast?

The NoSleep Podcast on Stitcher.

Does lazy masquerade have a podcast?

TOTALLY CREEPY PRESENTS: Lazy Masquerade – 4 Disturbing Real Cult Encounters | Scary True Stories | Zombie Diaries | Podcasts on Audible |

How many episodes of The Nosleep Podcast?

18 episodes
It features 18 episodes as oppsed to the usual 25 from seasons 2-onward. It features a variety of narrators and authors, some of whom would continue being regulars into later seasons.

What do you think of the NoSleep Podcast?

The NoSleep Podcast blog, with behind the scenes thrills, chills and spills, as well as various musings on the wider world of horror! For the dark hours when you dare not close your eyes. Tales of horror to frighten and disturb. Join us as the sleepless hours tick past. Brace yourself… for The NoSleep Podcast.

Is it possible to go to sleep on a podcast?

Racing thoughts, general anxiety, and overwhelming stress—especially considering the times we’re in right now —can keep the best of us tossing and turning for hours. But have you ever tried listening to a podcast to help you fall asleep?

When did David Cummings start The NoSleep Podcast?

On June 13th, 2011 Episode #1 was released. David Cummings assumed the role of host and producer and it was decided to release a new episode every two weeks. Producing the podcast has been a learning experience from the start with many Redditors volunteering to narrate and help produce the shows.

How many episodes in Season 14 of NoSleep?

The fourteenth season of The Nosleep Podcast . Featuring 25 episodes to send a shiver down your spine. The thirteenth season of The Nosleep Podcast . Featuring 25 episodes to send a shiver down your spine. The twelfth season of The Nosleep Podcast .