
How much does a Mudlogger get paid?

How much does a Mudlogger get paid?

Mud Logger Salaries

Job Title Salary
Schlumberger Mud Logger salaries – 4 salaries reported $39,218/yr
Diversified Well Logging Mud Logger salaries – 4 salaries reported $18/hr
Halliburton Mud Logger salaries – 3 salaries reported $81,363/yr
Empirica Mud Logger salaries – 3 salaries reported $30/hr

Where do mud loggers work?

Usually, loggers work at the drill site in a small portable office – similar in size to an RV – retrieving drill samples, analyzing them, and recording the resulting data. Mudloggers are expected to evaluate lithology samples and hydrocarbon “shows”.

How does a Mudlogger use statistics?

Mudlogger. Job Description: This creative job title is given to a statistician who studies information about drilling sites by collecting and analyzing samples of earth found at the work site.

How do I become a wellsite geologist?

To become a wellsite geologist, you’ll probably need a degree in geology or a similar subject. Those with degrees in chemistry, geochemistry, geophysics and physics might also be able to gain entry into the profession, with some doing an MSc in geology to bolster their chances.

What is the job of a mudlogger in a well?

A mudlogging unit. One of the most important tasks of the mudlogger is to oversee the collection of not only geological samples but also mud and gas samples from the well during drilling operations.

How much does a mudlogger make a year?

It appears that these jobs pay anywhere from around $60k per year to well over six figures per year; depending on experience, the company that the mudlogger works for, and the flexibility a mudlogging employee offers a company in terms of willingness to travel and availability to move around to various drilling sites.

What can you do with a mud logger?

A trained Mud Logger is responsible for providing accurate written and verbal records of the geology, can analyze and write up accurate oil and gas shows, and… More… These programs require experience with multiple drilling methods including mud rotary, air…

What kind of office does a mudlogger work in?

Along with the sample catchers and data engineers, the mudloggers work out of the mudlogging unit, which is a pressurized sea container-type of office, which is positioned close to the drill floor and shaker house.